Published January 1, 1981 | Version v1
Thesis Restricted

Coastal sands of northeastern Tasmania: Geomorphology and groundwater hydrology

  • 1. University of Tasmania



A regional study of the Quaternary geomorphology of coastal northeastern Tasmania defined landforms and deposits which offer good groundwater development potential, and also pointed to geomorphic problems worthy of more detailed research. Marine transgression and regression appear to have been a main feature of landform development in coastal northeastern Tasmania since Late Tertiary times. The present landscape is dominated by low, sandy plains created during the Last Interglacial marine transgression and by aeolian landforms which were formed during the succeeding glacial stage. The immediate coastal areas are backed by marine and aeolian landforms deposited during and since the marine transgression. ...


Submitted to the Faculty of Science in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (320 p)



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