Published December 11, 2021 | Version v1
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Grouped star formation: converting sink particles to stars in hydrodynamical simulations

  • 1. University of Exeter
  • 2. University College London


This repository contains the essential raw data and codes to recreate the plots in this paper (10.1093/mnras/stab3617; Liow et al. 2022), which contains the following directories and codes:


  • This directory contains the initial condition (or the snapshot right before star formation) and the snapshot at 0.19 Myr for all the sub-parsec-scale isolated cluster models (see Sections 2.3.1 and 3.1). The only exception is the B12/B12/ subdirectory, which contains the sink particles at 0.19 Myr from the original simulation (Bate 2012). 
  • The gas, sink and star files were produced using AMUSE v2021.6.0 (Portegies Zwart et al. 2021;, while the random state and setting files were created using Ekster v1.01 (Rieder and Liow 2021; See Ekster for more information on how to run the code.


  • This directory contains the initial condition (or the snapshot right before star formation) and the snapshot at 1.75 Myr for all the parsec-scale cloud-cloud collision models (see Sections 2.3.2 and 3.2). The only exception is the L20/L20/ subdirectory, which contains the sink particles at 1.75 Myr from the original simulation (Liow and Dobbs 2020). 


  • This directory contains the stars at 5 Myr, and stars and sinks at 20 Myr for all the parsec-scale isolated cluster models (see Sections 2.3.3 and 3.3). The only exception is the J+/J+/ subdirectory, which contains the sink particles at 5 Myr and at 20 Myr from the original simulation (Jaffa et al. 2022).


  • This directory contains the stars at 1.80 Myr and at 2.40 Myr for the kilo-parsec-scale spiral arm model (see Sections 2.3.4 and 3.4).


  • This directory contains the initial condition (or the snapshot right before star formation) and the snapshot at 1.75 Myr for all the additional parsec-scale cloud-cloud collision models to study the effect of changing random seeds on cluster properties (see Section 4.1).


  • This directory contains the initial condition (or the snapshot right before star formation) and the snapshot at 0.19 Myr for all the additional sub-parsec-scale isolated cluster models to study the effect of varying upper star mass limits (see Section 4.2).


  • This directory contains the initial condition (or the snapshot right before star formation) and the snapshot at 1.75 Myr for all the additional parsec-scale cloud-cloud collision models to study the effect of varying upper star mass limits (see Section 4.2).


  • This directory contains the miscellaneous files to produce some of the plots in the paper.

  • This python code loads the necessary sink and star files for the code ''.

  • This python code recreates the plots in the paper. See individual functions for more information.

Please contact the authors for more information.


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Journal article: 10.1093/mnras/stab3617 (DOI)


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