Published November 1, 1992 | Version v1
Thesis Restricted

Home on the range: An analysis of the Powerline Corridor 5 Rockshelter and open site, Hamersley Plateau region, Pilbara, Western Australia

  • 1. University of Western Australia




This thesis presents the analysis and interpretation of Power Corridor 5 rockshelter and the artefact scatter, known as Power Corridor 5 open site. Power Corridor 5 is a stratified basalt rockshelter 1.5 km east of Tom Price. The open site is an unstratified artefact scatter which extends over an area of approximately 20m x 20m outside the shelter entrance and down the talus slope. The site was excavated in 1992 by B. Veitch and R. Reynolds as part of the mitigation work at Marandoo in the Hamersley Plateau, Pilbara, Western Australia. ...


Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Centre for Archaeology, University of Western Australia (146 p)



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