Studies on some Less Familiar Ferrocyanogen Complexes. Part V. Interactions of Be(Il) and Cr(III) with Potassium Ferro- and Ferricyanides at 80° and their Composition by Amperometry
Dilute solutione of beryllium nitrate and chromic chloride do not interact with potassium ferrocyanide at the ordinary temperature to form insoluble complexes. These, however, react at higher temperatures. The reactions have been studied at 80° employing the mercury pool as the reference electrode and potassium chlorate as the spporting electrolyte. Titrations between beryllium nitrate and potassium ferrocyanide have been carried out at 80°. Evidence for the formation of the complex K2Be3II(FEIICy6)2 has been obtained.
Conductometrie and potentiometric titration between chromic chloride end potassium ferrocyanide do not give satisfactory results, but the amperometric titrations, curried out at 80°, give evidence for the formation of the complex KCrIIIFeIICy6. Amperometric studies, carried out under simile r conditions, give evidence for the formation of the complex CrIIIFeIICy6 by the interaction of chromic chloride and potassium ferricyanide at 80°.
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