Published July 8, 2022 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Web Data Commons (October 2016) Property and Datatype Usage Dataset


This is a dataset about the usage of properties and datatypes in the Web Data Commons RDFa, Microdata, Embedded JSON-LD, and Microformats Data Sets (October 2016) based on the Common Crawl October 2016 archive. The dataset has been produced using the RDF Property and Datatype Usage Scanner v2.1.1, which is based on the Apache Jena framework. Only RDFa and embedded JSON-LD data were considered, as Microdata and Microformats do not incorporate explicit datatypes.

Dataset Properties

  • Size: 17.4 MiB compressed, 351.1 MiB uncompressed, 1 612 479 rows plus 1 head line determined using gunzip -c measurements.csv.gz | wc -l
  • Parsing Failures: The scanner failed to parse 28 326 152 triples (~0.69 %) of the source dataset (containing 4 097 655 302 triples).
  • Content:
    • CATEGORY: The category (html-embedded-jsonld or html-rdfa) of the Web Data Commons file that has been measured.
    • FILE_URL: The URL of the Web Data Commons file that has been measured.
    • MEASUREMENT: The applied measurement with specific conditions, one of:
      • UnpreciseRepresentableInDouble: The number of lexicals that are in the lexical space but not in the value space of xsd:double.
      • UnpreciseRepresentableInFloat: The number of lexicals that are in the lexical space but not in the value space of xsd:float.
      • UsedAsDatatype: The total number of literals with the datatype.
      • UsedAsPropertyRange: The number of statements that specify the datatype as range of the property.
      • ValidDateNotation: The number of lexicals that are in the lexical space of xsd:date.
      • ValidDateTimeNotation: The number of lexicals that are in the lexical space of xsd:dateTime.
      • ValidDecimalNotation: The number of lexicals that represent a number with decimal notation and whose lexical representation is thereby in the lexical space of xsd:decimal, xsd:float, and xsd:double.
      • ValidExponentialNotation: The number of lexicals that represent a number with exponential notation and whose lexical representation is thereby in the lexical space of xsd:float, and xsd:double.
      • ValidInfOrNaNNotation: The number of lexicals that equals either INF, +INF, -INF or NaN and whose lexical representation is thereby in the lexical space of xsd:float, and xsd:double.
      • ValidIntegerNotation: The number of lexicals that represent an integer number and whose lexical representation is thereby in the lexical space of xsd:integer, xsd:decimal, xsd:float, and xsd:double.
      • ValidTimeNotation: The number of lexicals that are in the lexical space of xsd:time.
      • ValidTrueOrFalseNotation: The number of lexicals that equal either true or false and whose lexical representation is thereby in the lexical space of xsd:boolean.
      • ValidZeroOrOneNotation: The number of lexicals that equal either 0 or 1 and whose lexical representation is thereby in the lexical space of xsd:boolean, and xsd:integer, xsd:decimal, xsd:float, and xsd:double.
      Note: Lexical representation of xsd:double values in embedded JSON-LD got normalized to always use exponential notation with up to 16 fractional digits (see related code). Be careful by drawing conclusions from according Valid… and Unprecise… measures.
    • PROPERTY: The property that has been measured.
    • DATATYPE: The datatype that has been measured.
    • QUANTITY: The count of statements that fulfill the condition specified by the measurement per file, property and datatype.



Note: The data contain malformed IRIs, like "xsd:dateTime" (instead of probably ""), which are caused by missing namespace definitions in the original source website.


To reproduce this dataset checkout the RDF Property and Datatype Usage Scanner v2.1.1 and execute:

mvn clean package
java -jar target/Scanner.jar --category html-rdfa --list October2016
java -jar target/Scanner.jar --category  html-embedded-jsonld --list October2016
./ October2016
# Wait until the scan has completed. This will take a few days
java -jar target/Scanner.jar --results ./October2016/measurements.csv.gz October2016


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Related works

Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.6483447 (DOI)
Is compiled by
Software: 10.5281/zenodo.6338129 (DOI)
Is derived from
Dataset: (URL)