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Published April 27, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable D2.4 - Call for expression of interest for virtual pilots

  • 1. Building Performance Institute Europe


  • 1. University of Catania


Ths Deliverable reports the text and the specifications provided in the call for expression of interest that aims to collect applications for two virtual pilots in the context of the H2020 project e-SAFE. The project aims to develop a market-ready solution for integrated seismic and energy renovation of non-historic buildings (i.e. built around 1950-1990) with reinforced concrete (RC) frame. In the context of the project, the system will be tested on a real pilot in Catania (Southern Italy) and two virtual pilots in Europe.

The choice of linking virtual pilots with a call for expression of interest is motivated by the need to match the design opportunities offered by e-SAFE with highly motivated early adopters, enhancing their capabilities and interests to act on deep renovation.
The building owners of the virtual pilots will benefit from receiving a 3D survey of the building, 3D physical and digital models, a survey of the energy consumptions and the potential energy savings and a detailed design of the energy-efficient and anti-seismic renovation solution, which will be defined through a co-design process that will actively involve owners and occupants.
The demonstration activity at the virtual pilots will end with the production of a detailed e-SAFE-based design, including the suggestion of possible viable financial schemes, according to the needs of the requesting entity. The demonstration activity does not include the actual implementation of the renovation works.
Owners or managers of multi-storey, non-historic buildings located in earthquake-prone areas in Europe are eligible. However, priority will be given to EU countries other than Italy, where the real pilot is being renovated. The public or private entities which administer social/public housing or public buildings (e.g. schools) are highly encouraged to apply, as well as private actors such as building owners and real estate brokers. The detailed eligibility conditions and application method are detailed in the call.
The current call is available in six languages: English, Turkish, Romanian, Greek, Italian and Bulgarian, these being the target countries of the call due to their relevant seismicity and different climatic conditions. The complete calls are available on the e-SAFE website. Additionally, other promotional material (flyers) was elaborated, with statistics adjusted to the target country (see Appendix 1).


e-SAFE_D2.4_Call for expression of interest for virtual pilots_V1.0.pdf

Additional details


e-SAFE – Energy and Seismic AFfordable rEnovation solutions 893135
European Commission