Published November 3, 2017
| Version v1
Taxonomic treatment
Mazama temama
Hidalgo-Mihart, Mircea G.
Contreras-Moreno, Fernando M.
Jesús-de la Cruz, Alejandro
Juárez-López, Rugieri
Bravata de la Cruz, Yaribeth
Pérez-Solano, Luz A.
Hernández-Lara, Carolina
Friedeberg, Diana
Thornton, Dan
Koller-González, Juan M.
Mazama temama (Kerr, 1792) Material examined. Table 2; Figure 30.
Mazama temama is a small, reddish brown deer having a rounded body with arched back and slim legs and neck (Reid 2009). In the eastern portion of the study region M. temama is almost sympatric with M. pandora Merriam, 1901 (Medellin et al. 1998). The main differences between these species are their size and color (larger and a paler in M. pandora) (Reid 2009). In previous studies, Mazama spp. were observed at very low abundance in the wetlands of Campeche (Contreras-Moreno et al. 2016). We only have 1 photograph of Mazama spp. in our study, and recorded a second record of a deer killed by a subsistence hunter. Both individuals were identified as M. temama by their reddish-brown fur.
Published as part of Hidalgo-Mihart, Mircea G., Contreras-Moreno, Fernando M., Jesús-de la Cruz, Alejandro, Juárez-López, Rugieri, Bravata de la Cruz, Yaribeth, Pérez-Solano, Luz A., Hernández-Lara, Carolina, Friedeberg, Diana, Thornton, Dan & Koller-González, Juan M., 2017, Inventory of medium-sized and large mammals in the wetlands of Laguna de Terminos and Pantanos de Centla, Mexico, pp. 711-726 in Check List 13 (6) on page 720, DOI: 10.15560/13.6.711
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Additional details
Mazama temama (Kerr, 1792) sec. Hidalgo-Mihart, Contreras-Moreno, la, Juárez-López, la, Pérez-Solano, Hernández-Lara, Friedeberg, Thornton & Koller-González, 2017
- Reid F (2009) A field guide to the mammals of Central America and Southeast Mexico. 2 nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York, 384 pp.
- Contreras-Moreno F, Cruz-Felix HK, Bello-Gutierrez J, Hidalgo- Mihart MG (2016) Variables del paisaje que determinan la presencia de los venados temazates (Mazama sp.) en el oeste del estado de Campeche, Mexico. Therya 7 (1): 3 - 19. https: // doi. org / 10.12933 / therya- 16 - 343
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