Published December 10, 2014 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine


Purpose. The research data are aimed to identify the regulatory principles of unbalanced electromagnetic moment of mutually loaded electric machines of traction rolling stock and multiple unit of main and industrial transport. The purpose of this study is energy efficiency increase of the testing of traction electric machines of direct and pulse current using the improvement methods of their mutual loading, including the principles of automatic regulation of mutual loading system. Methodology. The general theoretical provisions and principles of system approach to the theoretical electric engineering, the theory of electric machines and theoretical mechanics are the methodological basis of this research. The known methods of analysis of electromagnetic and electromechanical processes in electrical machines of direct and pulse current are used in the study. Methods analysis of loading modes regulation of traction electric machines was conducted using the generalized scheme of mutual loading. It is universal for all known methods to cover the losses of idling using the electric power. Findings. The general management principles of mutual loading modes of the traction electric machines of direct and pulse current by regulating their unbalanced electric magnetic moment were developed. Regulatory options of unbalanced electromagnetic moment are examined by changing the difference of the magnetic fluxes of mutually loaded electric machines, the current difference of electric machines anchors, the difference of the angular velocities of electric machines shafts. Originality. It was obtained the scientific basis development to improve the energy efficiency test methods of traction electric machines of direct and pulse current. The management principles of mutual loading modes of traction electric machines were formulated. For the first time it is introduced the concept and developed the principles of regulation of unbalanced electromagnetic moment in the mutual loading systems of electric machines of direct and pulse current. Analytical expressions for the unbalanced moment of mutually loaded electromagnetic electric machines were obtained. The requirements for automatic regulation systems of the mutual loading stands of the traction electric machines of direct and pulse current are formulated. Practical value. Using the results of the theoretical research will significantly simplify the development algorithms of the test stands management of the traction electric machines of rolling stock for mainline and industrial transport. Introduction of the proposed principles of mutual loading for traction electric machines will significantly reduce the costs for creating new stations and modernization of the existing ones for testing of traction electric machines. Automating the process of refit and acceptance tests of traction electric machines will significantly improve the test quality and reliability of the traction rolling stock and multiple unit with electric traction drive.


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