Cladiopsocus norsantanderinus Obando & García Aldrete & Carrejo 2018, n. sp.
Cladiopsocus norsantanderinus n. sp.
(Figs 50–62)
Diagnosis. Belonging in species group “ 1 ”, subgroup 2, in the classification of Eertmoed (1986). Forewings slightly smoked. It differs from the other species in subgroup 2 by having the epiproct with a posterior median process rounded distally; paraproctal prong large, curved, tapered distally and wide proximally (Fig. 56); areola postica with few spur veins (Fig. 50). Female with lateral lobe of the gonapophyses large and elongate, v2+3 with 19–20 macrosetae (Fig. 61).
Male. Color. Head (Fig. 52) brown, vertex dark brown; anteclypeus, labrum, mandibles, labium and maxillae pale brown. Compound eyes dark brown, ocelli hyaline in a dark brown area. Antennae and maxillary palps pale brown. Pronotum pale brown, meso- and metanotum brown, thoracic pleura and legs pale brown. Forewing membrane slightly smoked (Fig. 50), pterostigma with two brown-smoked spots; veins brown, with pale spots along the veins, wing margin with brown spots. Hindwings hyaline (Fig. 51). Abdomen cream to pale brown, with incomplete abdominal segmental rings brown, clunium and hypandrium pale brown, clunium with narrow anterior border dark brown; phallosome, epiproct and paraproct pale brown, paraproctal prong brown.
Morphology. As in diagnosis plus the following: head vertex emarginate, almost at the same level of the upper margin of the compound eyes (Fig. 52); these large, with interommatidial setae. D is 0.49 the length of the head in front view. Forewings (Fig. 50); membrane pterostigma with setae, areola postica with spur veins. Hypandrium triangular, broad, emarginate anteriorly, with medium sized setae and macrosetae. Phallosome elongate, narrow anteriorly, with anterior border straight; widened distally, external parameres rounded, membranous, bearing pores; endophallic lobes broadly triangular, with rounded apices. Internal parameres broad, with posterior ends wide, blunt ended, directed posteriorly (Fig. 54). Epiproct semioval (Fig. 55), with three macrosetae mesally and one near each postero-lateral corner, posterior setal field as illustrated. Paraprocts (Fig. 56) with medium and small sized setae and macrosetae on stout mesal process as illustrated; mesal prong stout, well sclerotized; sensory fields with 18 trichobothria on basal rosettes (Fig. 56).
Measurements. FW: 4050, HW: 2975, F: 925, T: 1650, t1: 625, t2: 62, t3: 87, ctt1: 29, f1: 700, f2: 600, f3: 475, f4: 382, f5: 225, Mx4: 20, IO: 265, D: 380, d: 260, IO/d: 1.20, PO: 0.68.
Female. Color. Essentially as in the male; forewings with brown or smoked spots on membrane and veins as in the males (Fig. 57). Subgenital plate, epiproct, paraprocts and gonapophyses pale brown.
Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 59), with upper border of the compound eyes below the level of the vertex, compound eyes smaller than in the males, with interommatidial setae; D is 0.39 the length of the head in front view, narrower than the interocular distance. Forewings as in the males. Epiproct (Fig. 62) triangular, elongate, rounded distally, with three macrosetae mesally and four distal macrosetae; abundant setae distally, as illustrated. Paraprocts (Fig. 62) triangular, with setae as illustrated, sensory fields with 18 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Subgenital plate semioval, setose (Fig. 60). Gonapophyses (Fig. 61), slender and distally acuminate, v1 distally widened before acuminate process; distal process of v2 +3 with abundant microsetae, spermathecal plate oval.
Measurements. FW: 3775, HW: 2800, F: 900, T: 1525, t1: 580, t2: 50. t3: 80, ctt1: 29, f1: 605, f2: 462, f3: 390, Mx4: 248, IO: 400, D: 290, d: 180, IO/d: 2.22; PO: 0.62.
Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Norte de Santander. National Natural Park Tamá. Entrance to La Colorada Trail, 7°25’56.99’’N: 72°26’38.35’’W, 2325 m. 5.VII.2016. R. González & N. Carrejo. On rock surface. MUSENUV slide code 2892. Paratypes: 1 male, 3 females, same data as the holotype, MUSENUV slide code 2893. 2 females. Orocué Station, 7°25’27.6”N: 72°26’31.8”W, 2433 m. 3.VII.2016. R. González. On wood beam with mosses and fungi.
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Colombian Department Norte de Santander, from where this species is endemic.
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Additional details
- Event date
- 2016-07-05
- Family
- Cladiopsocidae
- Genus
- Cladiopsocus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Psocodea
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Obando & García Aldrete & Carrejo
- Species
- norsantanderinus
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2016-07-05
- Taxonomic concept label
- Cladiopsocus norsantanderinus Obando, Aldrete & Carrejo, 2018