Published December 31, 2018 | Version v1
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Anisepyris inca Evans 1966


Anisepyris inca Evans, 1966

(Figs 22H; 23B; 23F; 23I)

Anisepyris inca Evans, 1966, 9: 37–38.

Redescription, male. Body length 5.46 mm. Head with green reflection; mesosoma with darkish green reflection and metapectal-propodeal disc black; wings sub-hyaline; metasoma dark castaneous. Head wide. Flagellomeres short, with sparse and short setae. Mandible narrow, curved, and with lower tooth longer than others. Median clypeal lobe angulate, long. Frons coriaceous. Antennal scrobe carinate. Eye large. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute; ocelli large. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc as long as wide, sparsely punctate; transverse pronotal carina present, incomplete; with posterior pronotal sulcus. Notaulus very narrow. Mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Metapectal-propodeal disc short; metapostnotal median carina complete; longitudinal ridges present; metapostnotal-propodeal suture straight; paraspiracular carina present and inconspicuous; metapleural carina present and conspicuous; metapectal-propodeal disc with short striae; propodeal declivity strigate. Mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed; mesopleural fovea closed; lower fovea opened; posterior fovea absent; mesopleural suture opened. Forewing with stigma developed; Rs&M vein distinguished. Mesotibia not spinose. Claws trifid. Metasomal segments glabrous. Genitalia. Basiparamere shorter than paramere; paramere wide and fusiform, sparsely setose; basivolsella with inner margin angled; cuspis with arms long, with basal projection at inner margin, dorsal arm wide; aedeagus with basal portion convex and slender, and apical portion as long as basal and slender; apodeme slender.

Material examined. Holotype, ♂, PERU, Cuzco, Quincemil, 750 m, 16–31.X. [19]62, [L.] Peña col. (MCZH, #31210). FRENCH GUYANA, Saül, 4 ♂, 7 Km N 63 Km SE of Eaux Claires, M[oun]t Fuméc, 490m, 1–, FIT, J. Ashe, R, Brooks [collectors] (CNCI); BRAZIL, Pará, 1 ♂, Juruti, Mineração ALCOA, Capiranga, 29.x.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] (MPEG); 2 ♂, 3.xi.2007; 2 ♂, 25–29.v.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.N. Santos & L.A. Quaresma col[etores] (MPEG); 2 ♂, Juruti, Mutum, 23–28.ii.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] (MPEG); 1 ♂, Juruti, Estrada Mutum/Mauari, 30.xi.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] (MPEG); 1 ♂, Juruti, Mauari, 01.xii.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col[etores] (MPEG); 1 ♂, Melgaço, Floresta Nacional Caxiuanã, Trilha Est[ação] Cie[antífica] Ferreira Pena, 22–25.xi.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise, A.P. Aguiar & J.D. Dias [coletores] (MPEG); 3 ♂, Igarapé Ararua, 18–24.xi.2003; 1 ♂, Trilha Igarapé Tijucaquara, 18–21.xi.2003, arm[adilha] Möricke; Alagoas, 1 ♂, Quebrângulo, Res[erva] Biol [ógica] Pedra Talhada, arm[adilha] Malaise—extra, 09°14'54"S 36°25'32"W, 08–14.ix.2002, Penteado-Dias & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES 29773); Acre, 1 ♂, P[ar]q[ue] Nac [ional] Serra do Divisor, Norte—3, 12–13.xi.1996, arm[adilha] Malaise, E.F. Morato col[etor]; 1 ♂, Serra do Divisor, Norte—9, 20–21.xi.1996; PERU, Ucayali, 1 ♂, Tingo Maria, Pallapa road 205 Km, 1700m, 9°1.2'S 75°47.3'W, 11–14.x.1999, FIT, R. Brooks [collector] (CNCI); Madre de Dios, 11 ♂, Pachitza, 317m, 15–16.x.2000, FIT, R. Brooks [collector] (CNCI); 1 ♂, 25–26.x.2000; Espírito Santo, 1 ♂, Santa Teresa, 675m, 1–2.iv.1969, Exp [edição] Dep [artamento] [de] Zool [ogia] (MZSP); BOLIVIA, Cochabamba, 1 ♂, Est[ación] Biol[ogica] Villa Tunari, 17°6.52'S 64°47.87'W, 5–7.ii.1999 — FIT, R.S. Hanley col[lector] (CNCI); 1 ♂, Valle del Saita, Universidad San Simón, 330m, 7–9.ii.1999.

Distribution. Panama; French Guyana; Brazil: Pará, Alagoas, Acre, Espírito Santo; Peru; Bolivia.


Published as part of Barbosa, Diego N. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2018, Revision of Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), with description of 135 new species, pp. 1-258 in Zootaxa 4416 (1) on pages 175-176, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4416.1.1,


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  • Evans, H. E. (1966) A revision of the genus Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera. Bethylidae). Studia Entomologica, 9, 1 - 120.