A novel scheme for control by active and reactive power utilized in gearless variable speed wind turbine system with PMSG connected to the grid
Introduction. As a result of increasing fossil fuel price and state-of-the-art technology, more and more residential and commercial consumers of electricity have been installing wind turbines. The motivation being to cut energy bills and carbon dioxide emissions. Purpose. The main goal of this work is developing a control scheme for a variable speed wind turbine generator in order to produce utmost power from varying wind types, and variable wind speed. Novelty. This research paper presents an IGBT power converter control scheme for active power in relation to wind speed and reactive power by adjusting Q-reference (Qref) value in a gearless variable speed wind turbine with permanent magnet synchronous generator. Methods. An effective modelling and control of the wind turbine with the suggested power converter is executed by utilizing MATLAB/Simulink software. The control scheme consists of both the wind turbine control and the power converter control. Simulation results are utilized in the analysis and deliberation of the ability of the control scheme, which reveals that the wind turbine generator has the capability to actively sustain an electric power grid network, owing to its ability to independently control active and reactive power according to applied reference values at variable wind speed. Practical value. This research can be utilized for assessing the control methodology, the dynamic capabilities and influence of a gearless variable-speed wind energy conversion system on electric power grids. A case study has been presented with a (3×10 MW = 30 MW) wind farm scheme.
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