Published May 24, 2023 | Version v1
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In situ ROV video of Santjordia pagesi second individual

  • 1. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)


A second individual of Santjordia pagesi, observed by the ROV Hyper-Dolphin during Dive 84 on 10 March 2002 at a depth of 843 m (temperature 10.1˚C, salinity 34.35, dissolved oxygen 2.8 ml/L, Sigma T 26.43) within the Sumisu caldera (31˚28’N 140˚04’E) during a cruise by the R/V Kaiyo (KY02-03) to the Ogasawara Island Chain, south of the Japanese mainland. H264 codec transcode of the original ProRes codec video file in the JAMSTEC High-quality Video Database, managed by Dhugal Lindsay.
