Stachys thracica Davidov – Thracian woundwort is a Balkan endemic plant included in The Red Data Book of Bulgaria with conservational status "rare". The plants from genus Stachys have a long history of use to treat various diseases, inflammatory conditions, coughs, ulcers, genital tumors, and infected wounds. Due to its limited distribution the information on the biological activity and chemical composition of S. thracica is rather scarce. The aim of the present research is the comparative determination of the antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts obtained from in situ wild, in vitro cultivated and ex vitro adapted S. thracica plants. The in vitro shoot culture of the Thracian woundwort was maintained in hormone-free MS medium under controlled environmental conditions. The methanolic extracts from in situ, in vitro cultivated and ex vitro adapted S. thracica plants were active mainly against Gram-negative bacteria. All three extracts showed equal activity against Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. The establishment of in vitro shoot culture and its subsequent adaptation in ex vitro conditions was an appropriate alternative approach for the ex situ conservation of S. thracica as well as for the study of its biological activity.