- 1. Department of Biochemistry/Chemistry Technology, School of Science Laboratory Technology, University of Port Harcourt.
Abstract: Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties. They are non-essential nutrients, meaning that they are not required by the human body for sustaining life. Justicia spp. (Irugege) is a spice used in the preparation of various dishes in the southern part of Nigeria. It grows in subtropical areas and is relatively drought resistant; it is believed to possess various nutritional properties. The aim of this work is to determine the quantitative phytochemical constituents of Justicia spp. Seed. The phytochemical constituent of the seed were carried out using gas chromatography flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Results revealed the presence of eleven phytoconstituents alkaloids (17.32/100g), terpenes (1.47mg/100g). tannins (4.59mg/100g), saponins (5.29mg/100g), anthocyanins (1.15mg/100g), phenols (119.40mg/100g), lignans (1.40mg/100g), glycosides (9.23mg/100g), phytosterols (45.52mg/100g), flavonoids (207.06mg/100g) and stilbenes (271.07mg/100g). Justicia spp., high in stilbenes, flavonoids, and phenols concentration could be used as a potent herbal antioxidant, cholesterol lowering, antimicrobial and anti-cancer agents.
Keywords: Phytochemical, Justicia Spp, Quantitative, Antioxidant and Constituents.
Author: Kpaduwa Samuel, John Godson Nnamdi
International Journal of Recent Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJRRIS)
ISSN 2350-1049
Vol. 9, Issue 2, April 2022 - June 2022
Page No: 16-22
Paper Publications
Website: www.paperpublications.org
Published date: 20-April-2022
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