Published April 13, 2022 | Version v3
Dataset Open

Supplementary materials of "Anticausatives in Classical Armenian"

  • 1. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg / Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg


Supplementary materials of: Petr A. Kocharov. 2022. Anticausatives in Classical Armenian. Journal of Historical Linguistics. The package includes two wordlists: 1) the complete list of morphological causatives with the suffix -oyc'/uc'- attested in the Armenian Bible; 2) the complete list of the base verbs of the -e-, -i-, -u-, and -a- conjugations attested in the Armenian Bible. The first wordlist additionally contains the base verbs corresponding to the causatives and relevant lexicosyntactic information on these base verbs (the base verbs marked by an asterisk are not attested in the Bible). Both lists are based on the digital concordance of the Armenian Bible available at, which reproduces the Constantinople 1895 edition.


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