Spicomacrurus kuronumai
- 1. Department of Marine Biology, School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, 3 - 20 - 1 Orido, Shimizu, Shizuoka 424 - 8610, Japan ® naonakayama @ tsc. u-tokai. ac. jp or ®
Spicomacrurus kuronumai (Kamohara, 1938)
[Japanese name: Yari-dara]
(Figs. 191–192; Appendix 3-12A)
Hymenocephalus kuronumai Kamohara, 1938:70, fig. 40 (original description; holotype from Mimase fish market; new Japanese name: “Yari-dara”); Kamohara 1950:278 (listed; Kochi and Wakayama Pref.); Matsubara et al. 1951:42 (listed; Mie Pref.); Kamohara 1952:97, fig. 95 (description; 1 spec. from Mimase fish market); Matsubara 1955:1315 (in key; Japan); Kamohara 1958:73 (listed; Kochi Pref.); Okada et al. 1959:83 (listed; Kumano-nada); Kamohara 1961c:9, pl. VII, fig. 1 (invalid designation of neotype; BSKU 4333 from Mimase); Kamohara 1964:96 (listed; Kochi Pref.); Shinohara et al. 2001:305 (1 spec. listed from Tosa Bay); Shao et al. 2008b: table 2 (1 spec. listed from northeastern Taiwan; first Taiwanese record).
Hymenogadus kuronumai: Okamura 1970a:64, pl. III, text-fig. 28 (new combination; description; biological notes; 79 spec. from Pacific off southern Japan from Miya to Shibushi); Okamura 1970b: table 1 (listed; Japan); Kataoka & Tomida 1981:78 (listed; Mie Pref.); Tominaga & Uyeno 1981:489 (listed; Japan); Ozawa 1983:13 (listed; off Makurazaki, Kagoshima Pref., East China Sea); Okamura 1984a:203, 359, fig. 144 [brief description; 6 spec. from Okinawa Trough; photo based on BSKU 40016 (from off Kochi Pref.)]; Okamura 1984b:93, pl. 80, fig. I (compiled); Okamura 1988:93, pl. 80, fig. I (compiled); Nakabo 1993:354 (in key; Japan); Okamura 1997:128, fig. 5 (compiled); Shinohara & Matsuura 1997:292, pl. 2-C (listed; Suruga Bay); Suzuki & Kataoka 1997:81, pl. 32, fig. 174 (brief description; 1 spec. from off Owase); Nakabo 2000:418 (in key; Japan); Nakabo 2002:418 (in key; Japan); Yoda et al. 2002:11 (listed; East China and Yellow Seas); Nakajima 2003:52 (brief description; 1 spec. from Enshu-nada); Shinohara et al. 2005:418 (listed; Ryukyu Islands); Furuhashi et al. 2010: table 2 (20 spec. listed from northern Okinawa Trough).
Spicomacrurus kuronumai: Iwamoto et al. 2011:518 (in key; elevation of Spicomacrurus to full generic status); Nakabo & Kai 2013:494 (in key; Japan); Ikeda & Nakabo 2015:319, pl. 64, figs. 5–10 (brief description; spec. from Wakayama Pref.); Iwamoto et al. 2015:103 (brief description; 2 spec. from northeastern Taiwan); Motomura 2020:39 (listed; Japan).
Diagnosis. A species of Spicomacrurus with 8–9 (usually 8) pelvic-fin rays; nasal bones closely adjoined mesially, forming 3 broad horizontally flattened processes; trunk shallow, cylindrical in cross section, width over pectoralfin bases 0.9–1.3 in depth below first dorsal-fin origin; snout short, low, but distinctly protruding beyond upper jaw, length 27–31% HL; interorbital width 16–23% HL; upper-jaw length 37–41% HL; barbel short, but well developed, length 11–17% HL; pelvic-fin length 47– 69% HL, distal portion of outer pelvic-fin ray distinctly expanded; body scales large, transverse rows below midbase of first dorsal fin 2.5–3.5, below second dorsalfin origin 2–3; longitudinal scales over distance equal to predorsal length 17–22.
Material examined. 30 specimens. Japan: BSKU 4333 [invalid neotype of Hymenocephalus kuronumai designated by Kamohara (1961); 25.0 mm HL, 116+ mm TL], Mimase fish market, Kochi Pref., Japan, coll. T. Kamohara, 30 Nov. 1954; BSKU 109035 (1, 35.9 mm HL, 182+ mm TL), west of Sanpo-sone, 32.2872ºN, 129.0732ºE, 351–389 m, T/ V Nagasaki-maru, cr. N365, sta. B4, 3-m ORE beam trawl, coll. N. Nakayama, 19 Nov. 2012; BSKU 13356 (1, 36.6 mm HL, 166+ mm TL), BSKU 13358 (1, 39.1 mm HL, 177+ mm TL), BSKU 13360 (1, 29.7 mm HL, 132+ mm TL), BSKU 13363 (1, 35.7 mm HL, 195+ mm TL), BSKU 13366 (1, 33.2 mm HL, 167+ mm TL), BSKU 13369 (1, 36.1 mm HL, 180+ mm TL), BSKU 13373 (1, 32.7 mm HL, 161+ mm TL), BSKU 13375 (1, 35.8 mm HL, 169+ mm TL), BSKU 13376 (1, 37.0 mm HL, 183+ mm TL), BSKU 13377 (1, 37.8 mm HL, 159+ mm TL), BSKU 13378 (1, 29.6 mm HL, 139+ mm TL), BSKU 13379 (1, 33.5 mm HL, 157+ mm TL), BSKU 13380 (1, 34.4 mm HL, 175+ mm TL), BSKU 13381 (1, 40.2 mm HL, 201+ mm TL), BSKU 13383 (1, 40.0 mm HL, 193+ mm TL), BSKU 13385 (1, 37.5 mm HL, 155+ mm TL), BSKU 13387 (1, 22.8 mm HL, 117+ mm TL), BSKU 13389 (1, 35.3 mm HL, 170+ mm TL), west of Muroto, Tosa Bay, 360–435 m, coll. O. Okamura, 8 Jun. 1968; BSKU 12946 (1, 22.4 mm HL, 106+ mm TL), Tosa Bay, 350–450 m, bottom trawl, 14 May 1968; BSKU 4365 (1, 24.3 mm HL, 126+ mm TL), Mimase fish market, coll. T. Kamohara, 5 Dec. 1954; KSHS 297 (1, 23.2 mm HL, 120+ mm TL), KSHS 298 (1, 23.8 mm HL, 108+ mm TL), Mimase fish market, coll. T. Yamakawa, 4 Dec. 1960; BSKU 40016 (1, 33.9 mm HL, 156+ mm TL), off Okino-shima Island, Kochi, 250 m, bottom trawl, 18 Apr. 1984; BSKU 13117 (1, 26.8 mm HL, 149+ mm TL), BSKU 13235 (1, 34.1 mm HL, 166+ mm TL), BSKU 13259 (1, 34.6 mm HL, 162+ mm TL), BSKU 13260 (1, 33.8 mm HL, 157+ mm TL), BSKU 13261 (1, 33.5 mm HL, 173+ mm TL), east of Cape Ashizurimisaki, Tosa Bay, 420–555 m, coll. Y. Mishima (= Y. Machida), 2 Jun. 1968.
Counts and measurements. Based on 30 specimens (22.4–40.2 mm HL, 106+–201+ mm TL). Counts: first dorsal-fin rays II,10–12; pectoral-fin rays i17–i21; pelvic-fin rays 8–9; gill rakers on first arch (outer/inner) 6–10/11–15, on second arch 11–17/10–15; longitudinal scales 17–22; transverse scale rows below first dorsalfin origin 3–4.5, below first dorsal-fin midbase 2.5–3.5, below second dorsal-fin origin 2–3, above anal-fin origin 7.5–9.5.
The following measurements are in% of HL, followed by those in % of PRL in parentheses: snout length 27–31 (34–43); orbit diameter 27–37 (38–48); postorbital length 42–47 (54–65); postrostral length 72–78; orbit–preopercle distance 32–36 (43–50); suborbital width 8–11 (10–14); upper-jaw length 37–41 (49–56); length of rictus 33–37 (43–50); length of premaxillary tooth band 27–32 (35– 43); preoral length 16–19 (20–26); distance between tip and lateral angle of snout 18–21 (23–29); snout width 29– 35 (39–46); internasal width 17–20 (23–26); interorbital width 16–23 (21–31); occipital width 7–9 (9–13); body width over pectoral-fin bases 39–62 (52–84); body depth at first dorsal-fin origin 49–64 (65–88); body depth at analfin origin 42–55 (55–75); prepelvic length 93–106 (121– 145); preanal length 152–173 (198–234); isthmus–pelvic distance 44–50 (58–69); isthmus–anal distance 100–118 (130–159); pelvic–anal distance 56–72 (74–98); pelvicfin length 47–69 (63–95); pectoral-fin length 56–68 (76– 93); predorsal length 96–107 (127–146); height of first dorsal fin 63–79 (86–107); length of first dorsal-fin base 29–38 (40–52); interdorsal length 62–86 (82–119); length of gill slit 19–25 (25–34); length of posterior nostril 4–8 (5–11); barbel length 11–17 (15–23).
Size. To about 21 cm TL (FAKU 24937, 211+ mm TL, Owase, Japan).
Distribution. Restricted to Japan and Taiwan.Known from off the Pacific coasts of southern Japan northward to the Izu Peninsula (138.96ºE), northern Okinawa Trough, and northern Taiwan, at depths of 205‾ 680 m (Shao et al. 2008b; this study; Appendix 3-12A). Usually rare, but many individuals occasionally collected by bottom trawls.
Comments on type specimen. Spicomacrurus kuronumai was originally described as a new species of Hymenocephalus Giglioli, 1884 based on a single specimen collected from the Mimase fish market, Kochi, Japan. Unfortunately, the holotype was destroyed by a fire during WWII. In his list of type specimens deposited in BSKU, Kamohara (1961c) designated a neotype of this species (BSKU 4333, 25.0 mm HL, 116+ mm TL). However, his designation is considered to be invalid, according to Art. 75.2 of the ICZN (1999).
Remarks. For a full description see Okamura (1970a; as a species of Hymenogadus Gilbert & Hubbs, 1920). Although Iwamoto & Merrett (1997) reported S. kuronumai (as a species of Hymenocephalus) from the Coral Sea, their specimens currently comprise the type series of S. mccoskeri Iwamoto, Shao & Ho, 2011. Last et al. ’s (2014) record of S. kuronumai from the western Coral Sea also seems to be referred to as S. mccoskeri.
Comparisons. Among the other three congeners (see the Remarks of the genus), S. kuronumai is most similar to S. adelscotti Iwamoto & Merrett, 1997 known from Fiji (type locality) and Western Australia. The two species readily differ from C. dictyogadus Iwamoto, Shao & Ho, 2011 and S. mccoskeri in that the nasal bones are closely adjoined mesially (vs. broadly separated by the rostral cartilage), and by having a wider interorbital space (16–23% HL vs. 8–15%) and a smaller mouth (upper-jaw length 37–42% HL vs. 46–50%) [data for S. dictyogadus and S. mccoskeri are from Iwamoto et al. (2011)]. According to the key to species of Spicomacrurus given by Iwamoto et al. (2011:518), S. kuronuma i differs from S. adelscotti in having eight pelvic-fin rays (vs. nine), with its outer ray distinctly flattened and expanded distally (vs. only slightly flattened and expanded). However, the S. kuronumai specimens examined rarely had eight pelvicfin rays, and the outer ray was not flattened nor expanded distally, when its fleshy flange was completely missing (see Iwamoto et al. 2011: fig. 1B vs. 1D). Nevertheless, S. kuronumai readily differs from that species in its longer barbel (11–17% HL vs. 9%) and higher counts of outer gill rakers (those on the lower limb of the second arch 9–14 vs. 7). According to Schwarzhans (2014:20, fig. 4), the two species are also separable by otolith morphology: the otolith of S. kuronumai is not strongly depressed dorsoventrally, with its height being 1.45–1.6 in its longitudinal length (vs. 1.75).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1954-11-30 , 1954-12-05 , 1960-12-04 , 1968-05-14 , 1968-06-02 , 1968-06-08 , 1984-04-18 , 2012-11-19
- Family
- Macrouridae
- Genus
- Spicomacrurus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- BSKU 109035 , BSKU 12946 , BSKU 13117 , BSKU 13235 , BSKU 13259 , BSKU 13260 , BSKU 13261 , BSKU 13356 , BSKU 13358 , BSKU 13360 , BSKU 13363 , BSKU 13366 , BSKU 13369 , BSKU 13373 , BSKU 13375 , BSKU 13376 , BSKU 13377 , BSKU 13378 , BSKU 13379 , BSKU 13380 , BSKU 13381 , BSKU 13383 , BSKU 13385 , BSKU 13387 , BSKU 13389 , BSKU 40016 , BSKU 4333 , BSKU 4365 , KSHS 297 , KSHS 298
- Order
- Gadiformes
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Kamohara
- Species
- kuronumai
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- neotype
- Verbatim event date
- 1954-11-30 , 1954-12-05 , 1960-12-04 , 1968-05-14 , 1968-06-02 , 1968-06-08 , 1984-04-18 , 2012-11-19
- Taxonomic concept label
- Spicomacrurus kuronumai (Kamohara, 1938) sec. Nakayama, 2020
- Kamohara, T. (1938) On the Offshore Bottom-Fishes of Prov. Tosa, Shikoku, Japan. Maruzen Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 86 pp.
- Kamohara, T. (1950) Description of the Fishes from the Provinces of Tosa and Kishu, Japan. Kochi-Ken Bunkyo Kyokai [Kochi Literature Education Association], Kochi, 288 + 5 + 48 + 26 pp. [In Japanese.]
- Matsubara, K., Okada, Y., Suzuki, K. & Hashimoto, T. (1951) Cyclostoma and Pisces. In: Mie-ken Seibutsu Chosa Iinkai [Committee of the Biological Survey of Mie Prefecture] (Ed.), Mie-ken-san, Seibutsu Mokuroku [List of Organisms of Mie Prefecture], Mie Prefecture, Tsu, pp. 19 - 43. [In Japanese.]
- Kamohara, T. (1952) Revised descriptions of the offshore bottom-fishes of Prov. Tosa, Shikoku, Japan. Reports of the Kochi University, Natural Science, (3), 1 - 122.
- Matsubara, K. (1955) Fish Morphology and Hierarchy. Ishizaki Shoten, Tokyo, xi + v + 1950 + viii pp., 135 pls. [In Japanese.]
- Kamohara, T. (1958) A catalogue of fishes of Kochi Prefecture (Province Tosa), Japan. Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station, 5, 1 - 76.
- Okada, Y., Suzuki, K. & Mori, K. (1959) Kumano-nada engan no teisei gyorui [List of demersal fishes from the coastal waters of Kumano-nada]. Kumano-nada Engan Kokuritsu- Koen Chosa Hokoku [Survey Report in the Kumano-nada National Park], 11, 73 - 84, pls. 1 - 2. [In Japanese.]
- Kamohara, T. (1961 c) Notes on the type specimens of fishes in my laboratory. Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station, 8, 1 - 9, pls. I-VII.
- Kamohara, T. (1964) Revised catalogue of fishes of Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station, 11, 1 - 99.
- Shinohara, G., Endo, H., Matsuura, K., Machida, Y. & Honda, H. (2001) Annotated checklist of the deepwater fishes from Tosa Bay, Japan. National Science Museum Tokyo Monographs, (20), 283 - 343.
- Shao, K. - T., Iwamoto, T., Ho, H. - C., Cheng, T. - Y. & Chen, C. - Y. (2008 b) Species composition and distribution pattern of grenadiers (family [sic] Bathygadidae, Macrouridae, and Macrourididae [sic]) from Taiwan. In: Orlov, A. M. & Iwamoto, T. (Eds.), Grenadiers of the World Ocean: Biology, Stock Assessment, and Fisheries. American Fisheries Society Symposium 63. American Fisheries Society, Maryland, pp. 17 - 29.
- Okamura, O. (1970 a) Fauna Japonica, Macrourina (Pisces). Academic Press of Japan, Tokyo, 216 pp., 64 pls.
- Okamura, O. (1970 b) Studies on the macrouroid fishes of Japan: morphology, ecology and phylogeny. Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station, 17, 1 - 179, pls. I-V.
- Kataoka, T. & Tomida, Y. (1981) Fish Fauna of Mie Prefecture. Mie Prefectural Museum, Tsu, 110 pp. [In Japanese with English summary.]
- Tominaga, Y. & Uyeno, T. (1981) List of Japanese fishes. In: Yasuda, F., Takagi, K., Tominaga, Y., Uyeno, T., Abe, T., Ishiyama, R., Iwai, T., Ochiai, A., Kuronuma, K. & Nakamura, M. (Eds.), Dictionary of Japanese Fish Names and Their Foreign Equivalents. Sanseido Co., Ltd., Tokyo, pp. 437 - 574.
- Ozawa, T. (1983) Studies on the bottom fishes of continental slope off Makurazaki, southern Japan I-Faunal composition and variation of abundance-. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography, (44), 9 - 16.
- Okamura, O. (1984 a) Hymenocephalus, Hymenogadus, Malacocephalus, Ventrifossa, Nezumia, Abyssicola, and Coelorinchus [in part]. In: Okamura, O. & Kitajima, T. (Eds.), Fishes of the Okinawa Trough and the Adjacent Waters I. Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association, Tokyo, pp. 198 - 217, 220 - 221, 224 - 229, 357 - 364, 366.
- Okamura, O. (1984 b) Macrouroidei. In: Masuda, H., Amaoka, K., Araga, C., Uyeno, T. & Yoshino, T. (Eds.), The Fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. 1 st Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp. 93 - 99, pls. 79 - 83. [In Japanese.]
- Okamura, O. (1988) Macrouroidei. In: Masuda, H., Amaoka, K., Araga, C., Uyeno, T. & Yoshino, T. (Eds.), The Fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. 2 nd Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp. 93 - 99, 453, pls. 79 - 83, 344 - 373.
- Nakabo, T. (1993) Macrouridae. In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.), Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. 1 st Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp. 353 - 371, 1276 - 1277. [In Japanese.]
- Okamura, O. (1997) Macrouridae. In: Okamura, O. & Amaoka, K. (Eds.), Sea Fishes of Japan. Yama-Kei Publishers Co., Ltd., Tokyo, pp. 124 - 129. [In Japanese.]
- Shinohara, G. & Matsuura, K. (1997) Annotated checklist of deep-water fishes from Suruga Bay, Japan. National Science Museum Tokyo Monograph s, (12), 269 - 318, pls. 1 - 2.
- Suzuki, K. & Kataoka, T. (1997) Marine Fishes of Mie Prefecture, Japan. Toba Aquarium, Toba, 297 pp., 152 pls. [In Japanese.]
- Nakabo, T. (2000) Macrouridae. In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.), Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. 2 nd Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp. 417 - 435, 1494. [In Japanese.]
- Nakabo, T. (2002) Macrouridae. In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.), Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. English Edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp. 417 - 435, 1491 - 1492. [In Japanese.]
- Yoda, M., Tokimura, M., Horikawa, H. & Yamada, U. (2002) A Catalogue of Fishes from the East China and Yellow Seas with Their Local Names. Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Nagasaki, 41 pp. [In Japanese.]
- Nakajima, T. (2003) Records of Fishes from Coastal and Offshore Waters of Aichi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Published by author, Toyohashi, 198 pp., 79 pls. [In Japanese.]
- Shinohara, G., Sato, T., Aonuma, Y., Horikawa, H., Matsuura, K., Nakabo, T. & Sato, K. (2005) Annotated checklist of deep-sea fishes from the waters around the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. National Science Museum Tokyo Monographs, (29), 385 - 452.
- Furuhashi, N., Tsubaki, K., Mori, Y. & Hashimoto, J. (2010) Demersal fish assemblages from the continental shelf margin to the upper continental slope, southwest of Nagasaki, Japan. Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, 91, 17 - 33. [In Japanese with English abstract.]
- Iwamoto, T., Shao, K. - T. & Ho, H. - C. (2011) Elevation of Spicomacrurus (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) to generic status, with descriptions of two new species from the southwestern Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science, 87, 513 - 530. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5343 / bms. 2011.1004
- Nakabo, T. & Kai, Y. (2013) Macrouridae. In: Nakabo, T. (Ed.), Fishes of Japan with Pictorial Keys to the Species. 3 rd Edition. Tokai University Press, Hadano, pp. 493 - 512, 1872 - 1876. [In Japanese.]
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