Formation of the Artistic and Pedagogical School of the Choreography Department at the Kyiv Institute of Culture named after O. Ye. Korniichuk
The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of the artistic and pedagogical school formation of the choreography department of KSIC named after O. Ye. Korniichuk. Research methodology. Systematization of information, consideration of events in chronological order, extrapolation of the content of the concept of ‘scientific school’ in the artistic and pedagogical field allowed to carry out scientifically objective research. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the creation of the choreography department at the Kyiv State Institute of Culture named after O. Ye. Korniichuk in the aspect of formation of art and pedagogical school is analyzed. Conclusions. The creation of the first choreography department in the USSR at the Kyiv State Institute of Culture named after O.Ye. Korniychuk became the foundation for the art and pedagogical school, the leader of which K. Vasylenko united like-minded people who adhered to the progressive principles of a single creative team capable of criticism and self-criticism, parity relations between the leader and team members. Among the first members of the department who stood at the origins of the art and pedagogical school – A. Humeniuk, H. Berezova, V. Volodko, V. Pasiutynska, F. Baklan and others. The specificity of such a school is the synthesis of pedagogical, artistic and scientific activities. Staging creativity of teachers and students, performing activities of students inside and outside the institute, participation in various artistic events allows us to consider the activities of the Department of Choreography not only as a training practice, but as a contribution to choreographic art. The main activity of the art and pedagogical school was the development of folk stage choreography, the formation of the methodological foundations of Ukrainian dance as an independent educational discipline, which led to the enrichment of the repertoire of the student team at the department of Ukrainian people’s stage dances and the spread of this trend in the practical activities of graduates. This aspect of the creative development of the department is quite promising for further scientific research.
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