Published December 17, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Digital Diplomacy in the Context of Modern Information Communications

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to find out the essence of digital diplomacy as a component of public diplomacy.

The research methodology is based on the application of an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to clarify the specifics of the discourse of digital diplomacy.

The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the attempt to comprehensively analyze the discourse of digital diplomacy as a component of public diplomacy in the subject area of information affairs.

Conclusions. It is noted that due to the development of new methods of analyzing the behaviour of social network users, digital diplomacy has become an effective tool not only in political information campaigns but also in cultural policy. For this purpose, services and special web-applications SocioViz, NVivo, Google Trends, etc. are used. Today, the effectiveness of the message in digital diplomacy is achieved by maximizing the range of readers and viewers. It is concluded that digital diplomacy has the capacity to implement a policy of ‘soft power’, to develop concerted action to overcome society and political and socio-cultural crises, as well as to develop measures to prevent them. It is emphasized that the processing of big data and the use of artificial intelligence for the purposes of digital diplomacy is a requirement of the time (so-called data diplomacy).



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