Published October 1, 2019
| Version v1
Journal article
Genetic Diversity And Place In The General Phylogeographic Structure Of Capercaillie,Tetrao Urogallus (Galliformes, Phasianidae), From Belarus
Homel, K. V., Pavlushchick, T. E., Nikiforov, M. E., Kheidorova, E. E., Dmitrenok, M. G., Pakul, P. A. (2019): Genetic Diversity And Place In The General Phylogeographic Structure Of Capercaillie,Tetrao Urogallus (Galliformes, Phasianidae), From Belarus. Vestnik Zoologii 53 (5): 385-398, DOI: 10.2478/vzoo-2019-0035, URL:
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