Published December 21, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Defense of Foreign Ruthenians: Cultural Diplomacy of "Lemkivshchyna" Magazine

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the editorial policy of “Lemkivshchyna” magazine in the field of cultural diplomacy during 1979–1989. The research methodology is based on the combination of principles (historicism and objectivity) and methods (philosophical, general scientific and special-historical) of scientific research, which are usual for works on the historical science. Particularly significant were the methods of source study analysis (at the stage of collection and critique of empirical material), as well as comparative and typological methods (at reconstructive and narrative stages). Scientific novelty of the article is its attempt to comprehensively analyze the achievements of the Diaspora lemkology as a phenomenon of historical regionalism. As a result of the study, it has been proved that during the second half of the twentieth century on the American continent, with the efforts of Ruthenian emigrants. The task of the research is to reconstruct the activities of editors and publishers of the magazine “Lemkivshchyna” in the field of cultural diplomacy. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the attempt to comprehensively understand the phenomenon of cultural diplomacy, which the editors of “Lemkivshchyna” implemented». As a result of the study, it was noted the multifaceted and considerable effectiveness of the cultural diplomacy policy, which was implemented by the publishers and editors of the magazine “Lemkivshchyna”. It was aimed at the simultaneous implementation of three essential functions: communication and informational (provided coordination of Ruthenian social and cultural initiatives), scientific and promotional (focused on promotion in the multicultural Western world of Ruthenian history, spiritual and material culture) and image and security (focused on protection) from media attacks on communist propaganda of the values of the ethnic uniqueness of the Ruthenians and their connection with Ukrainians). The success of the implementation of these functions was facilitated by the well-thought-out editorial policy of “Lemkivshchyna”, aimed at expanding the circle of foreign-language readers by increasing the English-language content of the magazine. All this has led to the growing recognition of Lemko culture in the globalized, multicultural Western world and confirmed in the eyes of experts the belief in the unity of Ruthenians with Ukrainians.



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