Published December 3, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Spread of Lutherance in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Its Influence on the Education Development and Music Culture

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to determine the influence of Lutheranism on education and musical culture in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The research methodology includes cultural and historical analysis, which made it possible to analyze and investigate the influence of Lutheranism on musical culture in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Source studies and music-theoretical methods were used during the search and analysis of church-singing collections. The biographical method of research was used to systematize information about the life and work of theologians, composers and theorists. The scientific novelty of the research is the thorough analysis of the Lutheranism influence on education, book publishing and musical art. The first church chanting collections have been identified, in which a gradual transition from monody to polyphony is traced. Conclusions. In the process of studying the influence of Lutheranism on education and musical culture in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, it was established that one of the main ways of introducing Protestant ideas was the education of gentry and bourgeois Ukrainian youth in Western European Lutheran universities. The competition between Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant schools that existed in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania contributed to the development of education in the country. In the 16th century, Vilno was a printing centre of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, where printers competed with each other, publishing books in different languages and with opposite religious positions. During this period, thanks to the Lithuanian Protestants, church chanting collections were published. The chants in the first collections combined the stylistic tendencies of Protestant chorales, Czech reformers, and the traditions of local craftsmen.



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