Published April 5, 2022 | Version 1.1
Dataset Open

ProB Operation Caching ifm2022 Artefact

  • 1. University of Düsseldorf


The artefact accompanies the paper "Operation Caching and State Compression for Model Checking of High-Level Models" to appear in the proceedings of the ifm2022 conference. The artefact enables one to reproduce the results in the paper.

The aftefact contains the models and it contains a Makefile which
- can download and install ProB
- can run the regular benchmarks
- can run the TLC benchmarks
- can install LTSMin and run the LTSMin benchmarks

Before running make bench_prob please remove line 102 (make clean) from the Makefile! This line accidentally erases benchmark results for previously run configurations.

The source of the models can be found in the README and in the accompanying ifm2022 paper.

The SHA of the archive should be

shasum -a 256 ../ifm2022_prob_artifact.tgz 

8ee2aecc915143e56ac39b501d282d1d8ab099f0b13f9df35304829c0b4f2f32  ../ifm2022_prob_artifact.tgz


The source of the models can be found in the README and in the accompanying ifm2022 paper.


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