Published January 1, 2005 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Feriae caninae у српској етнолингвистици : О "завитлавању" и "завитлаванима"

  • 1. Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду


Feriae caninae in Serbian Ethnolinguistics About “swinging” and a those who are being swung


This enclosure confirms Cajkanovic’s assumption that dog festivity existed in Serbian ancient culture, celebrated during the winter and spring seasons, when, at the time, All Soul’s Days were celebrated within other Indo-European peoples. At the end of the festivity, a mtual swinging of dogs was conducted. In addition to the above, a linguistic analysis of the verb “to swing” (serb. zavitlavati) is undoubtedly a part of the corpus of Serbian traditional terminology which has still not been explored cnough.




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