There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 1, 2022 | Version v0.35.0
Software Open

Ouranosinc/xclim: v0.35.0


Contributors to this version: David Huard (@huard), Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre) and Pascal Bourgault (@aulemahal).

New indicators
  • New indicator specific_humidity_from_dewpoint, computing specific humidity from the dewpoint temperature and air pressure. (GH/864, PR/1027)
New features and enhancements
  • New spatial analogues method "szekely_rizzo" (PR/1033).
  • Loess smoothing (and detrending) now skip NaN values, instead of propagating them. This can be controlled through the skipna argument. (PR/1030).
Bug fixes
  • xclim.analog.spatial_analogs is now compatible with dask-backed DataArrays. (PR/1033).
  • Parameter dmin added to spatial analog method "zech_aslan", to avoid singularities on identical points. (PR/1033).
  • xclim is now compatible with changes in xarray that enabled explicit indexing operations. (PR/1038, xarray PR).
Internal changes
  • xclim now uses the check-json and pretty-format-json pre-commit checks to validate and format JSON files. (PR/1032).
  • The few logging artifacts in the xclim.ensembles module have been replaced with warnings.warn calls or removed. (GH/1039, PR/1044).



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