Development of updated management concept
- 1. Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
- 2. National Automobile and Highway University
The object of research is the concept of management. Since the seventies of the twentieth century, the practice of management has been using the basic, modern management concept of management (MMC), which appeared in the West as a result of the generalization of private management concepts. It defines two main aspects of management – its essence and content. At the same time, six main elements are included in the content of management: planning (of goals), designing (position), motivation (of personnel), business communication (BC), decision making (DM). However, the practice of using MMC has revealed that in addition to these six elements of content, any managers perform other procedures, both basic and auxiliary. This is actually the problem of a possible renewal of the content of management in the MMC. An analysis of recent studies and publications suggests that its authors do not even pose such a problem. The reason for this is believed to be that management is a phenomenon of a more complex nature than its parts (economics, engineering, administration). Therefore, a change in views on management is much slower than a change in views on its individual parts: it can take not years, not decades, but even centuries. Therefore, in this work, an analysis of the development of management at the stage preceding the creation of the MMC is carried out, at which the real conditions for the creation of the MMC are made. This stage is determined by the development of different, limited, but important private concepts of management, made by the classics of management. The unresolved components of a certain problem are the lack of evidence of the feasibility and addition of the content of management by three elements: decision-making organization (DMO), problem solving (PS), business communication organization (BCO). The practical significance of the research is to update the basic (modern) concept of management, which will improve the efficiency of its practice.
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