Published May 22, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D.3.1: ICT4CART Reference Architecture


The aim of the ICT4CART project is to design, implement and test in real-life conditions a versatile ICT infrastructure that will enable the transition towards higher levels of automation. It focuses on four high-value use cases: Smart Parking & IoT services, dynamic adaptation of vehicle automation level based on infrastructure information, intersection crossing (urban) & lane merging (highway), and Cross Border Interoperability. Work Package 3 (WP3) builds on the findings of WP2, which includes the specification of the use cases (D2.1), the analysis of market needs (D2.2) and the system requirements (D2.3). Within Task 3.1 of WP3, the ICT4CART Reference Architecture was developed, which is reported in this document. The ICT4CART Reference Architecture will be the basis for the subsequent Tasks 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4, where the key aspects of Flexible Networks, IT Environment, and Cyber-Security & Data Privacy will be refined. Their findings will be reported in the deliverables D3.2, D3.3 and D3.4, respectively. This document describes the ICT4CART Reference Architecture that is used in the ICT4CART project to implement all of the project use cases (see D2.1). First, the Introduction in Section 1 describes the aims of ICT4CART, i.e. the design and deployment of the ICT4CART technologies on the test sites covering all use cases. Section 2 contains the description of the high-level architecture, which aims to not only encompass the ICT4CART use cases and scenarios, but also to be general enough to be re-used for new, different use cases in other projects as well as in the deployment of ICT-based ITS applications. It is followed by descriptions of different views of the architecture, which highlight certain aspects of the architecture. First, in Section 3, a functional view on the architecture is presented, which shows and describes the different functional components that are used in the project. Section 4 describes the types of data that can be transmitted in communication with the IT environment as well as the typical data flows. Then, in Section 5, a communication view is described, which outlines the different communication technologies used in the project (Ad-hoc-networks, cellular networks, hybrid communication) and the approach to their implementation during this project. As finding solutions for Cyber-Security and Data Privacy is a key objective of the project, Section 6 describes how the highlevel architecture can be enhanced with additional security and privacy components to achieve this objective. Finally, Section 7 concludes the document with a summary of the main aspects of the ICT4CART reference architecture.



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ICT4CART – ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport 768953
European Commission