Published March 31, 2020 | Version 1.0
Other Open

Repository of European/international population-based, cohorts, patients' cohorts, control trials, ordered by region

  • 1. PSSJD
  • 2. EPIGENY


  • 1. PSSJD


This report contains a concise description of the online repository of the SYNCHROS project (Deliverable 1.2).

Intended readers and users of this document are project team members who are involved in the project work, for instance as authors of deliverables, WP-leaders, authors of web-articles, bloggers or anyone who is in charge of external communication and dissemination.

The document contains the following information:

  • Description of overall structure and content of the repository.
  • Technical characteristics of the repository construction.
  • Details on how to use the data management site.
  • An overview of the public repository.


This document is created in the context of the SYNCHROS project. SYNCHROS (SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the Role of all Stakeholders) is an EU-funded Coordination and Support Action (H2020, ref. no. 825884), aimed at developing a sustainable strategy for the integration and harmonisation of health cohort initiatives and networks across Europe and internationally. Through intensive collaboration with stakeholders (e.g. researchers, funding bodies, coordinators of cohort harmonisation and integration initiatives, policy-makers), SYNCHROS aims to create a strategic agenda for an enhanced international coordination and sustainable recommendations for better collaboration of cohorts globally, towards the development of stratified or personalised medicine.


SYNCHROS D1.2_Repository of European international population-based, cohorts, patients’ cohorts, control trials, ordered by region.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
SYNCHROS – SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the ROle of all Stakeholders 825884