Published August 28, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine


Purpose. The use of anti-friction traction motor support bearings (TMSB) instead of plain friction traction motor support bearings is a priority direction of locomotive development both for newly constructed locomotives and for those in operation. The solution of the set tasks for introduction of wheel-motor blocks (WMB) with anti-friction bearings demanded the search for alternative variants and new technical solutions. The purpose of the article is to determine the feasibility of re-equipping the diesel locomotive wheel-motor blocks with anti-friction bearings through the life cycle calculation (LCC)Methodology. The procedure and criteria for assessing the economic efficiency of project (investment) proposals and investment projects approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine envisage that the cost-effectiveness analysis of an investment project is carried out according to the following criteria: net present value, internal rate of return, discounted payback period and profitability index. The use of these criteria of economic efficiency fully corresponds to modern principles, theoretical-methodical approaches and world practice in evaluating the efficiency of investments. The evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of the modernization of the diesel locomotive wheel-motor block is made on the basis of calculation and comparison of the following criteria: the net present value (NPV) of modernization, the internal rate of return (IRR), the profitability index (PI) and the discount payback period. Findings. The results of the calculations of the values of the main criteria show that the innovative project for the modernization of the locomotive provides a high level of economic efficiency. At the same time, the value of the discounted payback period of investments in modernization indicates that it is expedient to carry out this operation if the residual life of the upgraded locomotive of the M62 series is at least 15 months. OriginalityTaking into account the specifics of the type of locomotive work in freight traffic, we developed a method to determine the individual components of the average annual economic effect of modernization of the diesel locomotive wheel-motor block, which includes saving of oil costs, repairing and servicing the diesel locomotive wheel-motor unit, as well as change of TMSB brass and saving fuel costs for traction. Practical value. The results of the work make it possible to determine the expediency of modernization of diesel locomotives taking into account the features and conditions of their operation and the specifics of modernization.


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