Published November 8, 2021 | Version 1.0.2
Dataset Open

Gauge structure of the Einstein field equations in Bondi-like coordinates: convergence tests data

  • 1. Instituto Superior Técnico
  • 2. Rhodes University


This dataset is the result of the runs performed for the paper "Gauge structure of the Einstein field equations in Bondi-like coordinates". The data can be used to reproduce the convergence plots, as well as to compare with the data obtained if one performs the same runs independently.


To perform independently the runs that produce the data, the PITTNullCode included has to be used. More details on how to proceed with this can be found in the ancillary files of at the directory "anc/numerics/README".


The work was partially supported by the FCT (Portugal) IF Program IF/00577/2015, IF/00729/2015, PTDC/MAT APL/30043/2017, and Project No. UIDB/00099/2020. Financial support provided by FCT/Portugal Grant No. PD/BD/135425/2017 in the framework of the Doctoral Programme IDPASC-Portugal and by the National Research Foundation, South Africa, under grant number 118519, is also recognized.


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