Published July 17, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Xeromyia orthogona



Xeromyia orthogona (Rohdendorf, 1925) (figs 13–14)

Apodacra (Xeromyia) orthogona Rohdendorf, 1925 a: 72; 1930: 17 (redesripion).

Xeromyia orthogona: Koçak & Kemal, 2015: 352 (faunistic); Rohdendorf & Verves, 1980: 495 (redescription of {, faunistic); Verves, 1986: 86 (catalog); Verves et al., 2015: 271 (review).

Apodacra (Xeromyia) oxygona Rohdendorf, 1925 a: 72.

Apodacra (Xeromyia) oxygona: Rohdendorf, 1930: 17 (redesription).

Apodacra oxygona: Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2016: 814 (holotype revised).

Apodacra linearis Villeneuve, 1933: 255.

Apodacra linearis: Séguy 1941: 252 (in key), 255 (redescription).

Xeromyia linearis: Rohdendorf & Verves, 1980: 496 (in key); Verves, 1986: 86 (catalog).

Apodacra (Xeromyia) aegyptiaca Rohdendorf, 1934: 9.

Material. Israel: 1 {, 1}, Hameshar, 16.06.1986, leg. A. Freidberg (TAU). 1}, Nahr Rubin, 1.09.1954, leg. O. Theodor (TAU). 1}, Be’er Meshash, 16.06.1986, leg. A. Freidberg (TAU). 1 {, Ein Bogeg, 29.09.1971, leg. A. Freidberg (TAU). 1}, Sedom, 13.08. 1958, leg. J. Krykepst (TAU). 1}, Ein Aqev, 8.08. 1977, leg. A. Freidberg (TAU). 1 {, 2}, Shezaf N. R., Nahal Shahaq, 24 and 31.05.1999, leg. I. Yarom (TAU). 4}, Hazeva Field School, 30 o 43ʹ N, 35 o 16ʹ E, 22–23.07., 4 and 24.08.1997, leg. A. Maklakov and S. Plotkin (TAU).

D i s t r i b u t i o n: Palaearctic: North Africa: Egypt; Asia: Israel, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia.

Habits: Adult flies prefer sandy and stone areas.


Published as part of Verves, Yu. G., 2020, Review Of Subtribe Apodacrina (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) Of Middle East With Descriptions Of Ten New Species, pp. 183-204 in Zoodiversity 54 (3) on page 196, DOI: 10.15407/zoo2020.03.183,


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Collection code
Event date
1954-09-01 , 1958-08-13 , 1971-09-29 , 1977-08-08 , 1986-06-16 , 1997-08-24 , 1999-05-31
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Verbatim event date
1954-09-01 , 1958-08-13 , 1971-09-29 , 1977-08-08 , 1986-06-16 , 1997-08-24 , 1999-05-31
Taxonomic concept label
Xeromyia orthogona (Rohdendorf, 1925) sec. Verves, 2020


  • Rohdendorf, B. B. 1925. Etudes sur les miltogrammines. II. Synopsis des apodacres palaeartiques. Encyclopedie Entomologique, B 2, 11 (1), 61 - 72.
  • Kocak, A. O., Kemal, M. 2015. Initial results of the entomofauna of SW Asia, based upon the info-system of the CESA (excl. Lepidoptera). Priamus, 35, 1 - 1186.
  • Rohdendorf, B. B., Verves, Yu. G. 1980. On the fauna of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of the Mongolian People's Republic. III. Miltogrammatinae. Insects of Mongolia, 7, 445 - 518.
  • Verves, Yu. G. 1986. Family Sarcophagidae. In: Soos, A. and Papp, L., eds. Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, 12, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest; Elsevier, Amsterdam, 58 - 193.
  • Verves, Yu., Radchenko, V., Khrokalo, L. 2015. A review of species of subtribe Apodacrina Rohdendorf, 1967 with description of a new species of Apodacra Macquart, 1854 from Turkey (Insecta: Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Miltogramminae: Miltogrammini). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 263 - 278.
  • Rohdendorf, B. B. 1930. 64 h. Sarcophaginae. Die Fliegen der Palaarktischen Region, 11 (39), 1 - 48.
  • Villeneuve, J. 1933. Descriptions de Miltogamminae nouveaux (Dipt. Sarcophagidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 38, 254 - 257.
  • Seguy, E. 1941. Etudes sur les mouches parasites. Tome 2. Calliphorines (suite), sarcophagines et rhinophorides de l'Europe occidentale et meridionale. Recherches sur la morphologie et la distribution geographique des Dipteres a larves parasites. Encyclopedie Entomologique, A 21, 1 - 436.
  • Rohdendorf, B. B. 1934. Egyptian Larvaevoridae collected by Prof. H. C. Efflatoun Bay (Diptera: Tachinidae). Bulletin de la Societe Royale Entomologique de Egypte, 18, 1 - 16.