Published December 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D7.7 – Ethics guidelines

  • 1. Politecnico di Milano
  • 1. Politecnico di Milano
  • 2. IDC


The project activities are not likely to raise ethics issues, as indicated in the Annex I of the Grant Agreement. No clinical trials are foreseen, and project activities do not raise concerns of dual use. However, AI-SPRINT is a collaborative research project that involves several researchers and stakeholders, and therefore scientific and personal data will be collected. Furthermore, three pilots will be implemented in the project, one of them being focused on personalised medicine, where data on patients and volunteers will be collected and elaborated. A guide that highlights ethics-related issues and how to address them is therefore necessary to help researchers abide by the key principles of ethics in research and for improving the quality of research
outcome [Hughes2010].
The present deliverable D7.7 Ethics guidelines aims to guide the research activities of the H2020 AI-SPRINT project in respecting key ethical research principles as well as to improve the soundness and quality of the project results. The document provides a description of the key ethics principles that guide the execution of the project, the process for monitoring and managing ethical issues, as well as the organisational structure and the tools that will be used. The document recalls the obligations related to ethics and research integrity set in the Grant Agreement and additional ethics principles, such as data management and privacy, gender balance, and informed consent when human beings are involved, that are of paramount importance in research. For each principle, the approach that will be adopted and the actions that will be performed by the partners to abide are indicated. Furthermore, a process for identifying ethics-related issues and managing them is proposed. The process is based on a distributed responsibility where actors, working on the project at the different levels, will be informed about the issues and will be responsible for highlighting the emergence of issues, discussing them with the necessary coordinator (e.g. Task leader, WP leader, Ethics
manager), who will suggest the actions to be undertaken. In case issues cannot be managed at the level they are identified, an escalation process foresees the involvement of the Project Scientific Coordinator, the External Advisory Board, the General Assembly, the European Commission.


D7.7 Ethics guidelines.pdf

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European Commission
AI-SPRINT – Artificial Intelligence in Secure PRIvacy-preserving computing coNTinuum 101016577


  • Project deliverable
  • Open Access