Chlaeniini Brulle 1834
- 1. Insects Division, Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, United Kingdom.
- 2. muhammad. naeem @ uaar. edu. pk; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2025 - 2024
- 3. dkmahmood @ msn. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7162 - 3430
- 4. Insects Division, Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW 7 5 BD, United Kingdom. & b. garner @ nhm. ac. uk; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5229 - 2450
TribeChlaeniini Brullé, 1834
Chlaeniini Brullé, 1834 is characterized by small (3.92 mm, Pristomachaerus littoralis littoralis (Motschulsky, 1859)) to large-sized (21.34 mm, Chlaenius duvaucelii (Dejean, 1831)) species; dorsum mostly brilliant coloured except genus Harpaglossus Motschulsky, 1858. Dorsal and ventral surfaces pubescent. Antennae article III longest and articles IV–IX densely pubescent; labrum apical margin with six setae, clypeus bisetose; one pair of supraorbital setae; mandible sharp and pointed, scrobe without setae; terminal maxillary article well-centered with respect to penultimate article; mentum with median tooth. Pronotum without a pair of anterolateral setae. Elytron with internal plica, elytral stria VII distinct upto apex, stria VIII complete; elytral intervals VII and VIII separate and not forming ridge posteriorly; scutellar stria present before stria I.
In this current study, three genera were recorded from Pakistan Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810, Harpaglossus Motschulsky, 1858 and Pristomachaerus Bates, 1873 which are represented by 32 species and subspecies.
Key to genera, subgenera, species and subspecies of tibe Chlaeniini from Pakistan
1 Pronotalbasal marginstraightandpostero-lateralangles withoutacut-outoneach side. ............................. 2
- Pronotal basal margin “sinosidal” and postero-lateral angles with a cut out on each side (genus Pristomachaerus Bates)... 3
2 Ligula with apical tip transverse and straight; Male foretarsus Iquadrate (genus Chlaenius Bonelli)................... 4
- Ligula with apical tip broadly excavated (croissant shaped); dorsal margin with median extended (obtuse) lobe; ventral margin straight. Maleforetarsus Icordate (genus Harpaglossus Motschulsky) .................. Harpaglossusopacus (Chaudoir)
3 Labrum yellowish brown. Pronotum mostly reddish brown 1/5 th apical margin metallic greenish violet. Elytra base with reddish brown longitudinal mark along suture and touching both preapical oblique marks; apical transverse yellowish white mark from interval V–IX; preapical oblique mark yellowish white from interval V–VIII; apex with small rounded yellowish white mark, elytralateralborderyellowishwhite ..................... Pristomachaeruslittoralislittoralis (Motschulsky) comb. nov.
- Labrum with dark violet tinge to reddish brown apex. Pronotum reddish brown. Elytra base with a reddish brown sutural mark terminating before middle without touching preapical oblique marks; white basal transverse mark from half of interval IV to interval VIII, white preapical oblique yellowish white mark from interval III (touching II)–VIII; apex with yellowishwhitetriangularmark; elytralateralborderblack .......... Pristomachaeruscoarctatus (LaFerté-Sénectère)
4 Elytralintervalswithsetiferouspuctures .................................................................. 5
- Elytral intervals without setiferous puntures (subgenus Parachlaenites Jeannel).................................. 27
5 Hind tarsus densely hairy dorsally and ventrally without double rows of spines (subgenus Pseudochlaeniellus Jeannel)... 30
- Hindtarsussparselyhairyandventrallywithdoublerowsofspines ............................................. 6
6 Apex of maxillary palpi articles and labial palpi terminal articles swollen or bulb shaped. Mentum single toothed (subgenus Rhopalopalpus LaFerté-Sénectère).................... Chlaenius (Rhopalopalpus) janthinus Kollar & L. Redtenbacher
- Apexofmaxillaryandlabialpalpinotasabove ............................................................. 7
7 Antennal articles III and IV equal. Maxillary palpi terminal articles fusiform, narrow and truncate at apex. Pronotum posterior lateral setiferous puncture positioned at postero-lateral angle. Elytral intervals densely punctate (subgenus Chlaeniellus Reitter ................................................................................................ 20
- Antennal article III longer or shorter than IV. Palpi variable securiform. Pronotum posterior setiferous puncture position variable ................................................................................................ 8
8 Elytralintervalssmoothwithlateralrowof minute setae. Abdomensmoothventrally (subgenus Chlaeniostenus Kuntzen) ... .................................................................................................. 22
- Elytral intervals punctate and setiferous. Ventrally punctate and pubescent........................................ 9
9 Palpi terminal segment elongated, compressed, securiform, obliquely truncate.................................... 10
- Palpi terminal segment fusiform, narrow and truncate at apex................................................. 12
10 Labial palpi penultimate article multisetose. Labrum slightly notched at apex. Antenna filiform; head nearly triangular, slightly narrowedbehind; pronotumtruncate-cordate (subgenus Epomis Bonelli) ........................................ 29
- Labial palpi penultimate segment without seta. Labrum apex straight........................................... 11
11 Mentum tooth trilobed (all lobes similar). Male maxillary palpi apex enclosed or rhombic/diamond shaped (subgenus Ocybatus LaFerte-Senectere)................................................................................... 31
- Mentum simple. Male maxillary palpi terminal article apex widened truncate at apex (subgenus Lissauchenius W.S. MacLeay)................................................. Chlaenius (Lissauchenius) rufifemoratus rayotus Bates
12 Headandpronotumbothoblongandalmostequalinwidth ................................................... 13
- Headandpronotumwidthnotasabove ................................................................... 14
13 Pronotal disc smooth. Each elytral interval lined with densely spaced setiferous punctures on either side. Elytral pubescence denseoninterval VI–VIIIand 1/3 ofelytraapically (subgenus Lithochlaenius Kryzhanovskij) .......................................................................................... Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) agilis Chaudoir
- Pronotal disc sparsely punctate. Elytral intervals smooth both sides with widely spaced setiferous punctures (subgenus Stenochlaenius Reitter).................................................................................... 28
14 Mentumbluntorbifidatapex .......................................................................... 15
- Mentumtruncateat apex (subgenus Pachydinodes Kuntzen) .................................................. 24
15 Mentum excavated and median tooth bifid at apex. Hind tarsus with short and scattered setae at dorsum; claws long and slender, bristled ventrally. Pronotum posterior lateral setae at front of posteriolateral angle. Palpi terminal segment truncate at apex, labialpalpiwithorwithoutsetae (subgenus Chlaenius s.str.) .................................................. 18
- Mentum tooth blunt and conspicuous. Elytral intervals laterally with setiferous punctures (subgenus Amblygenius LaFerté-Sénectère) ............................................................................................ 16
16 Headandpronotumdensely setiferouspunctateand wrinkled. Antennalarticles I–III yellowish brownand IV–XI black ..... ............................................................... Chlaenius (Amblygenius) luculentus Andrewes
- Headandpronotumsparselytomoderatelysetiferouspunctateandwithoutwrinkles. AntennalarticlesI–XIcolorvariable .. .................................................................................................. 17
17 Pronotum lateral margins slightly sinuate posteriorly and postero-lateral angles square. Antenna articles I–III blackish brown and IV–IX brown. Legsblack ......................................... Chlaenius (Amblygenius) atripes Chaudoir
- Pronotum lateral margins not sinuate posteriorly and postero-lateral angles rounded. Antenna article I–XI and legs reddish brown .................................................. Chlaenius (Amblygenius) quadricolororientalis Dejean
18 Elytrawith marks/maculae............................................................................. 19
- Elytra without marks/maculae. Pronotum transverse...................... Chlaenius (Chlaenius) variipes Chaudoir
19 Head and pronotum strongly wrinkled. Humeral mark absent, median yellowish white mark from interval IV–VIII with uneven/serrated margin; second yellowish white mark minute on interval III, third yellowish white mark oblique shaped onapicalmargin. Elytrallateralborderblack. Microsculpturingfinelygranulatedandisodiametrical ................. .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... Chlaenius (Chlaenius) lafertei Guérin-Méneville
- Head and pronotum not wrinkled. Humeral mark dilated to edge as rounded mark, second/median transverse mark narrowed near elytral lateral border from interval VIII and expanding on the disc as a round shape upto interval III, third anteriorapicalmarkroundandspreadoverintervals III–V, elytrallateralborderyellowishbrown................... ............................................................. Chlaenius (Chlaenius) scapularis Chaudoir
20 Elytrallateralborderyellowishbrown ................................................................... 21
- Elytrallateralborderblack..................................... Chlaenius (Chlaeniellus) tenuelimbatus Ballion
21 Pronotum cordiform, apical margin and disc sparsely setiferous punctate, basal margin and basal fovae surrounding densely setiferous punctate. Elytral apex with crescent shaped yellowish-brown mark and apical corner broadly rounded...... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .. Chlaenius (Chlaeniellus) laeviplaga frater Chaudoir
- Pronotum subquadrate, moderately to densely setiferous punctate. Elytral apex without mark and apical corner not broadly rounded.. ..... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... ... Chlaenius (Chlaeniellus) velocipes Chaudoir
22 Basalfovaelongand visible; elytral intervalsconvex ....................................................... 23
- Basal fovae not visible; elytral intervals flat......................... Chlaenius (Chlaeniostenus) pulcher Nietner
23 Elytra with lateral border yellowish brown (interval IX from humeral side to apex of elytra) yellowish brown; large 14–16 mm ............................................ Chlaenius (Chlaeniostenus) circumdatuscircumdatus Brullé
- Elytral lateral border yellowish brown from humeral angle to nearly middle extending to the VIII interval then shrinking abruptly occupying only the IX interval up to apex expanding a little at apex without serrations; small 10–12 mm ...... .......................................................... Chlaenius (Chlaeniostenus) nitidicollis Dejean
24 Elytrawithmaculae ............................................................................ 25
- Elytrawithout maculae... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... Chlaenius (Pachydinodes) leucops (Wiedemann)
25 Elytrawitharoundedmark ..................................... Chlaenius (Pachydinodes) posticus (Fabricius)
- Elytrawithacommashapedmarktowardsapex ....................................................... 26
26 Head and pronotum dark metallic coppery; elytra black with horse-shoe shaped mark beginning from 3/4 th of interval II transversly approaching interval VIII and then running towards apex....... Chlaenius (Pachydinodes) pictus Chaudoir
- Head and pronotum metallic green with very slight coppery tinge; Elytra metallic green with horse-shoe shaped mark beginningfrom ½ of interval IIItransverselyapproachinginterval VIIIandthenrunningalonginterval IXuptoapex .... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .. Chlaenius (Pachydinodes) hamifer (Chaudoir)
27 Elytral basal margin densely covered with deep punctures; colour matt-black with metallic luster at base; intervals without micro-punctuation; microsculpture granular............................ Chlaenius (Parachlaenites) chlorodius Dejean
- Elytralbasalmarginwithout punctures; colour shining; intervalswithveryminute punctuation; microsculptureisodiametric. ............................................................. Chlaenius (Parachlaenites) pertiousus Chaudoir
28 Pronotum anterior angles blunt and posterior angles slightly acute/sharp; laterally 3/4 th convex and basal 1/4 th constricted obliquely ............................................. Chlaenius (Stenochlaenius) kashmiricus (Grundmann)
- Pronotum anterior angles protruding; pronotum lateral border less convex and continuous with less oblique deflection towardsbasal border. .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... Chlaenius (Stenochlaenius) dostojevskii Tschitscherine
29 Head and pronotum metallic green to metallic coppery. Elytra black with metallic green tinge at base and lateral margin, intervals convex laterally with wide deep setiferous punctures/fovae and middle mostly smooth, interval VIII & IX densely setiferouspunctate... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... ..... Chlaenius (Epomis) nigricans Wiedemann
- Head, pronotum and elytra cyan green. Elytra slightly convex at base and flat towards apex, intervals densely punctate entirely.......................................................... Chlaenius (Epomis) duvaucelii (Dejean)
30 Elytral border (interval IX) yellowish, body elongated............ Chlaenius (Pseudochlaeniellus) puncticollis Dejean
- Elytralbordernot yellowish, bodycompact ......................... Chlaenius (Pseudochlaeniellus) celer Chaudoir
31 Pronotumlateralborderyellowishbrown. Elytrapre-apicalmarkyellowish, round .................................. .................................................................. Chlaenius (Ocybatus) orbicollis Chaudoir
- Pronotumlateralborderblack. Elytraperapicalmarkyellowishwavy ....... Chlaenius (Ocybatus) bioculatus Chaudoir
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Carabidae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Brulle
- Taxon rank
- tribe
- Taxonomic concept label
- Chlaeniini Brulle, 1834 sec. Ullah, Naeem, Mahmood & Garner, 2022
- Brulle, G. A. (1834) Histoire naturelle des insectes, traitant de leur organisation et de leurs moeurs en general, par M. V. Audouin, et comprenant leur classification et la description des especes, par M. A. Brulle. Le tout accompagne de planches gravees sur acier, d'apres des peintures executees pour cette edition sur la collection du Museum de Paris. Tome IV. Coleopteres I. F. D. Pillot, Paris, 240 pp., 8 pls. [DP: 2 August 1834 (Bibl. Fr.), Note: This volume contains viii + 479 pages + 16 plates and was issued in two livraisons, the first one in 1834 and the second one in 1835. Despite the title, Brulle alone was the author]
- Motschulsky, V. von (1859) Entomologie speciale. Insectes des Indes orientales, et de contrees analogues. 2: de serie. Etudes Entomologiques, 8, 25 - 118.
- Dejean, P. F. M. A. (1831) Species general des coleopteres, de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean. Tome cinquieme. Mequignon- Marvis, Paris, 883 pp.
- Motschulsky, V. von (1858) Synonymie et critique. Etudes Entomologiques, 7, 153 - 160.
- Bonelli, F. A. (1810) Observations entomologiques. Premiere partie (cicindeletes et portion des carabiques) [with the " Tabula synoptica exhibens genera carabicorum in sectiones et stirpes disposita "]. Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences, Turin, XVIII, 1 - 58.
- Bates, H. W. (1873) Description of new genera and species of geodephagous Coleoptera, from China. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1873, 323 - 334. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2311.1873. tb 00644. x