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Published February 24, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Macrotomoderus wudu Telnov 2022, sp. nov.

  • 1. Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, SW 7 5 BD, London, United Kingdom & Institute of Biology, University of Latvia, O. Vācieša iela 4, LV – 1004, Rīga, Latvia & Coleopterological Research Center, Institute of Life Sciences and Technology, Daugavpils University, Vienības iela 13, LV – 5401, Daugavpils, Latvia.


Macrotomoderus wudu sp. nov. 958A2C60-1BAD-4544-8C3A-3DDCFE7C9A52

Figs 44–45

Differential diagnosis

This species readily differs from all congeners primarily due to the presence of the strongly curved golden setae on the median part of the anterior margin of the male pronotum, the unique shape of the male aedeagus and the partially longitudinally carinate anterior lobe of pronotum. Also see key to species below.


Toponymic. Named after Wudu, the type locality of this species. Noun in apposition.

Type material

Holotype CHINA • ♂; “China, S Gansu, WSW Wudu, SE Guazigou vill., 11. VII. 2004 I.Belousov & I.Kabak leg. // 2483 m (33°19′04″N; 104°44′07″E)”; ZIN.

Paratypes (8 specimens) CHINA • 4 ♂♂, 1 ♀; same labels as for holotype; ZIN • 3 ♂♂; same labels as for holotype; DTC.


MEASUREMENTS. Holotype, total body length 4.2 mm; head 0.8 mm long, across eyes 0.82 mm broad, pronotum 1.1 mm long, maximum width 0.8 mm, minimum width 0.28 mm, elytra 2.2 mm long, 1.45 mm combined wide. Selected paratypes 3.6 mm, 3.8 mm, 3.95 mm long.

Dorsum and venter uniformly brown. Mouthparts, antennae, palps and legs yellowish-brown. Head subtriangular with rather small, asymmetrically ovoid compound eyes, which laterally are slightly protruding beyond head outline. Head rounded in broad arc posterior to eyes, head base subtruncate medially. Occiput slightly declivous posterodorsally. Head dorsal punctures minute, rather dense, intervening spaces glossy, about 2–4 × as large as punctures. Head dorsal setae inconspicuous, rather dense, suberect. Some setae on median area of head base pointed posteromediad.Antennae in both sexes extending towards base of pronotum. Antennomere three about 1.25 × as long as antennomere two, antennomere six about as long as wide, antennomeres 7–10 strongly transverse. Terminal antennomere asymmetrically triangular with rounded apex, 2–2.2 × as long as penultimate antennomere. Terminal maxillary palpomere securiform. Pronotum hourglass-shaped, slightly less wide than head across eyes. Postmedian lateral constriction broad and medially deeply notched. Front margin of anterior lobe very broadly rounded, dorsally without anterior rim. Front margin of anterior lobe in male with a group of golden, dense, moderately long and strongly Ɔ-like curved setae pointing towards a declivous portion of head base, touching or nearly touching cranial neck but not head base (Fig. 44B–C). Anterior lobe slightly convex in lateral view (Fig. 44C). Lateral constriction slightly continues onto disc in lateral view (Fig. 44C). Posterior portion of anterior lobe with obtuse, weak median longitudinal carina that in some specimens continues to lateral constriction area. Lateral pronotal fovea moderately broad at lower external margin of pronotum, widens upwards towards pronotal disc in lateral view, external margins protruding into a pair of obtuse, moderately widely separated denticles (in lateral view). In lateral view both anterior and posterior denticle are strongly obtuse, nearly glabrous. In dorsal view, lateral pronotal fovea broad, anterior and posterior pair of denticles appear subacutely angulate, glabrous (Fig. 44B). Pronotal fovea in part effectively concealed dorsally and laterally by long, moderately dense, whitish setae (Fig. 44B). Pronotal punctures minute on disc; lateral constriction dorsally with much denser, larger, generally strongly elongate to irregularly shaped but still rather small punctures. Intervening spaces on lateral constriction area generally narrower than punctures. Dorsal pronotal setae rather long, moderately dense. Scutellar shield minute, triangular. Elytra dorsally elongate elliptical, flattened to slightly convex in lateral view, widened laterally around midlength, lateral margins very broadly rounded, shoulders obsolete (apterous species). Epipleura very broad at median part of elytra. Elytral punctures rather small, about same size to (in basal third) slightly larger than those in pronotal constriction area, moderately dense, becoming smaller and sparser towards apices. Elytral setae long and sparse, suberect. Mesotibia distinctly thickened. Basal metatarsomere in both sexes much shorter than combined length of remaining metatarsomeres. Male tergite and morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Female tergite and morphological sternite VII broadly rounded at posterior margin. Aedeagus as in Fig. 45, robust and large, apex distinctly sinuous in lateral view, most of apicale and basale filled with conspicuous, moderately large and dense, irregularly shaped gonopore armature.

Sexual dimorphism

Female terminal antennomere is shorter, broader conical than that of male, anterior margin of pronotum without group of sense golden setae, instead with small, glabrous, mesal patch opposing elongate setae on head base.


Collected at 2483 m elevation.


Known only from the southern part of Gansu Province, north-central China. This is the north westernmost record of the genus Macrotomoderus.


Published as part of Telnov, Dmitry, 2022, Revision of the Tomoderinae (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). Part III. New species and records of Macrotomoderus Pic, 1901 from China and a key to the Palaearctic species, pp. 1-100 in European Journal of Taxonomy 797 on pages 76-77, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.797.1667,


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Collection code
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Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Type status
holotype , paratype
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Taxonomic concept label
Macrotomoderus wudu Telnov, 2022