Published September 26, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D9.1 Corporate identity and general templates for dissemination material

  • 1. IEMC, Greece


D9.1 “Corporate identity and general templates for dissemination material“ has the objective of defining the HYPERION’s visual identity and branding, with the aim to ensure the visual consistency and the effective graphical identity of the project and to support the dissemination and communication activities. A dedicated logo together with colour palettes and typefaces were provided by specialists from the beginning of the project in order to shape and form HYPERION’s identity and to promote instant public recognition and trigger reactions from the viewers even from the first conducted communication and dissemination activities. A set of specific guidelines is also provided to assist the consortium in using correctly all the above brand identity elements when designing and producing communication and dissemination material. Additionally, in the context of HYPERION’s consistent brand identity and in order to keep a credible and professional “look and feel”, a set of HYPERION MS Office templates have been also created. The provided brand identity elements (logo, colour palettes, typefaces), the Brand Identity Guidelines (BIG) and the templates that have been produced, form a complete and effective toolkit for assisting both the HYPERION consortium and external professionals to utilize the communication and dissemination tools in a consistent, effective and efficient way. The main and ultimate objective is to maximize the impact of HYPERION communication and dissemination activities and to promote project’s results towards building a solid on-line and off-line presence. Both, BIG and templates, have been presented and efficiently explained to all HYPERION partners and have also been uploaded to the project’s common online collaborative tool to be easily accessible by all.


D9.1 - Corporate Identity and Branding.pdf

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European Commission
HYPERION – Development of a Decision Support System for Improved Resilience & Sustainable Reconstruction of historic areas to cope with Climate Change & Extreme Events based on Novel Sensors and Modelling Tools 821054