Published March 15, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Assessment of Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Class IV Women Labourers (Sweepers and Aayas) before and after Imparting Nutrition Education

  • 1. Guest Lecturer, Department of Home Science Government Arts College for Women, Sivagangai
  • 2. II BA English, Government Arts College for Women, Sivagangai


Adequate nutrition is needed for all the living being to lead a good quality of life. The causes of malnutrition have been traced to poverty, ignorance, traditional beliefs and customs, faulty feeding practices, poor hygiene, unsanitary conditions and lack of adequate nutritional knowledge. The present study was undertaken to impart nutritional education to class IV women labourers (Sweepers and aayas) in order to improve their nutritional needs stemming from their economic, health and nutrition background. The general objective of the study is to bring about a positive change in the target group in terms of Nutrition so that they put into action what they have acquired by way of these nutrition education sessions. so that it would do good to themselves, their families and the society at large. Experimental research design was used in the study.The use of visual aids like posters, charts, flip charts and model created a positive impact on the subjects. Demonstration of low cost nutritious recipes gave them an insight to the  usage of seasonal foods in preparing nutritious recipes for their families. Therefore it can be concluded that this study had a very good impact on the nutrition knowledge, attitude and practices of class IV women labourers (Sweepers and aayas).



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