Published March 8, 2022 | Version 2.0
Project deliverable Open

D1.1: Collection of Case Studies of institutional adoption of CS

  • 1. UCL
  • 1. ESF
  • 2. AU
  • 3. ZSI
  • 4. APRE


The current document, titled “Collection of Case Studies of institutional adoption of CS” has been developed within the framework of the TIME4CS project which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101006201.

The main objective of the document is to report on the case study analysis of institutional adoption of Citizen Science initiatives in Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) around the globe.

To this end, the report is divided in four main sections: the first section presents a brief literature review of the state-of the-art of adoption of Citizen Science within RPOs; the second section introduces the process of assessing institutional change in RPOs through the use of the Qualitative Comparative Analysis technique; a third section shows the data input from the case studies; and a four section introduces the QCA analysis.

The report is providing details of the assessment of 30 organisations, which are evaluated across eight domains of indicators that can explain the change. These domains are:

·        the number of citizen science projects and the disciplines in which they occur;

·        the existence and participation in internal and external citizen science networks;

·        provision of citizen science training;

·        the role of citizen science champions;

·        the existence of an institutional plan in the area of citizen science;

·        the existence of an organisational citizen science coordinator;

·        the type of funding that supports citizen science;

·        and the existence of technical tools to support citizen science that were developed in the RPOs.

Within this report, we provide the full analysis of the 30 organisations and a preliminary analysis of the results. We show that QCA analysis can help in identifying that in disciplinary terms, it is likely to be a multi-faculty support with a role of the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences to lead to institutional change. Further analysis on the data that was collected is outlined.



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European Commission
TIME4CS – Supporting sustainable Institutional Changes to promote Citizen Science in Science and Technology 101006201