Published March 4, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Department of Education-SDO Batangas Province Batangas, Philippines


The coronavirus (COVID-19) disease has caused the greatest disturbance in the account of educational system, affecting numerous numbers of students and their families from all over the world. This led to a momentary closure of schools to ensure everyone's safety. In the Philippines, this has resulted to new educational practices, such as an adjustment from the conventional face-to-face classroom set up to distance learning delivery modality. As the Department of Education aims to address all the arising problems as the Distance learning continues, it gave way for the utilization of Learning Activity Sheets (LAS). These are the teacher-made activities that can be used as supplemental materials for self-learning modules of the learners to achieve a better and deeper understanding of a certain topic. This study explored the effect of using LAS in the English achievement of Grade 8 students of Buhaynasapa National High School from School Year 2020-2021. The researcher employed a one-group pretest-posttest experimental design and utilized stratified random sampling. The researcher delivered a lesson in a print-modular distance learning setting using teacher-created LAS and used a teacher-created examination to assess the respondents' learning while applying skills, such as identifying fact and opinion, vocabulary, and data interpretation. More so, the t-test formula was used to determine the test of the difference between the mean pretest and posttest performances of the respondents in their English achievement before and after using the learning activity sheets (LAS). Findings revealed that the results of the pretest and posttest of the experimental group using LAS found to have significant difference. This suggests that the use of LAS in the modular distance learning has made the students acquire evident learning that results to a higher level of proficiency in their English achievement in terms of fact and opinion, vocabulary and data interpretation.




Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) and the English Achievement of Grade 8 Students.pdf