Published March 1, 2022 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Hospitality and Tourism Industry from TR-HT

  • 1. Department of Corporate Finance, University of València
  • 2. Department of Applied Economics, University of València


Set of data used in the paper The impact of ESG dimensions on firm risk of hospitality and tourism industry.

The data were obtained from Thomson Reuters Eikon database (TR_Eikon), we selected those companies whose activity sector was H&T regardless of their country of origin. The data are due in "xls" format and structured in two sheets.

- the first sheet contains the selected companies, with the next information: 

  1. Company Name
  2. NAICS Sector Code
  3. NAICS Subsector Code
  4. NAICS Industry Code
  5. NAICS National Industry Name
  6. Muestra Final: an indicator variable used to remark that the respective company is used in the study.

- The second sheet contains the next information:

  1. Company Id: The Company Identificator. A number differentiating each company from the rest.
  2. Year: The year of the correspondig register.
  3. P_Crisis:  Pandemic Crisis. Dummy variable coded 1 if year is 2020, 0 otherwise.
  4. F_Crisis Financial Crisis: Dummy variable coded 1 if year is from 2008 to 2012, 0 otherwise
  5. Firm_Size: Firm size. Logarithm of total asses
  6. Leverage: Leverage. Total debt to total assets
  7. ROA: Return on assets. EBITDA divided by total assets
  8. B_Gender: Gender diversity. Number of women directors as a percentage of total directors on the board
  9. B_Independence: Independence. number of independent directors as a percentage of total directors on the board
  10. B_Size:  Board size. Number of directors on the board
  11. Duality: CEO duality. Dummy variable taking the value 1 if the chairperson of the board is the CEO and 0 otherwise
  12. ESG_Score: Evironmental Social and Governance Score. A weighted average relative rating based on reported environmental, social and governance information and ranges between 0 (worst) and 100 (best). It is provided by Eikon Thomson Reuters
  13. SOC_Score: Social Pillar Score. A weighted average relative rating based on reported social information and ranges between 0 (worst) and 100 (best). It is provided by Eikon Thomson Reuters
  14. GOV_Score: Governance Pillar Score. A weighted average relative rating based on reported governance information and ranges between 0 (worst) and 100 (best). It is provided by Eikon Thomson Reuters
  15. ENV_Score: Environmental Pillar Score. A weighted average relative rating based on reported environmental information and ranges between 0 (worst) and 100 (best). It is provided by Eikon Thomson Reuters
  16. Dependent variables
  17. D2D: Distance of Default. Merton’s distance to default
  18. SD_R: Volatility of the stock returns. Standard deviation of daily stock returns


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