Panicum brevifolium L
5. Panicum brevifolium L, Sp. Pl.: 59. 1753. (Fig. 1C).
Lectotypus (designated by CLAYTON & RENVOIZE, 1982: 496): INDIA: “ Habitat in India ”, s.d., Herb. Linn. 80.64 (LINN!).
= Panicum mariae Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 419. 1854. Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Toamasina: Sainte Marie, “à Antharène ”, III.1847, Boivin 1620 (P [P02428363]!; isolectotype: G [G00022451, G00022452, G00378073] images seen, P [P00836145, P02251474]!; US [US00074213, US000132970]!), syn. nov.
= Panicum bambusiusculum Stapf in Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1919: 267. 1919. Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Toamasina: Tamatave to Mahambo, 21.VI.1866, Gerrard 75 (K [K000244689]!), syn. nov.
Creeping annual, rooting at lower nodes, to 1 m long, the culms glabrous, the nodes dark. Leaf sheaths largely glabrous with ciliate edges. Ligule membranous, truncate. Leaf blades ovate, flat, membranous, cordate and amplexicaul at base, 2– 6 × 0.6 –2.5 cm, drying yellow-green, cross veins visible when dry, glabrous to sparsely pubescent on both sides, with bulbous based cilia on the lower part of the margin. Panicles terminal, partly or fully exserted on a short peduncle, (2–)3–10(–13) cm long, ovate, the branches divergent at maturity, glabrous or with white cilia. Spikelets elliptic, asymmetric, apically apiculate, 1.6–1.8 mm long, with prominent veins, green or purplish, never gaping open. Lower glume as long as the spikelet, membranous, acute, 3-veined, glabrous to pubescent, separated from the rest of the spikelet by a swollen internode c. 0.3 mm long. Upper glume as long as the spikelet, herbaceous, 5-veined, glabrous to long-pubescent. Lower floret barren, with palea. Lower lemma herbaceous, 5-veined, glabrous. Upper lemma smooth, shiny.
Distribution and ecology. – African and Asian species, occurs on La Réunion and Mauritius, introduced to South America. Common across Madagascar except the south west, inhabits shady places in a variety of habitats: wet and dry forest understory and edges, grasslands, and roadsides, 0– 1500 m (Fig. 2B).
Notes. – Easily recognised by bulbous-based cilia on the cordate amplexicaul leaf bases, broad ovate leaves, and a long lower glume. Attractive and frequently collected. Trichomes on the upper glume elongate at maturity to enable dispersal.
JARVIS (2007: 720) confirmed the original lectotypification of Panicum brevifolium L. by CLAYTON & RENVOIZE (1982: 496) even though VELDKAMP (1996: 189) erroneously cited the same sheet as a holotype. The lectotype sheet of P. mariae was chosen due to its most complete label information and two type annotations by Camus; only one collection was cited in the protologue.
This species is illustrated in BOSSER (1969: Fig. 121a-f).
Additional material examined. – MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: Ambanja, Bandrakorony, 13°45'59"S 47°58'50"E, 23.I.2009, Bernard et al. 1333 (G [G00181116]); Nosy Be, Passand, III.1951, Boivin 1963 (G, P [P02324471]); Nosy Be, Boivin s.n. (P [P02324477]); Andratamarina, 20.IX.1920, Decary 20 (P [P02324480]); Besinkara between Ambodisakoana and Ambalafary, 14°04'00"S 48°17'E, 23.VI.1994, Gautier et al. 2414b (TAN); Kelidada, 13°31"S 48°44'E, 11.X.2011, Hall et al. 18 (K, TAN); Nosy Be, IV.1879, Hildebrandt 2929 (G, K [K000805455], P [P02251495]); vallée de l’Ifasy en aval d’Anaborano, 31.III.1951, Humbert 25888 (P [P02251492]); Anivorano, XII.1964, Morat 1161 (P [P02307355]); Ampasindava, forêt de Bongomihiravavy, 13°45'36"S 48°06'21"E, 28.XI.2007, Nusbaumer 2598 (G [G00180736]); ibid. loco, 19.XI.2008, Nusbaumer et al. 2904 (G [G00181732]); Nosy Be, 1893, Perville s.n. (P [P02251475]); Andranomololo, Andramanalana, 14°21'34"S 49°22'35"E, IV. 2006, Rakotovao et al. 3146 (G, P [P02309320]); Ankijanabe, 1 km E of Antsambalahy, 14°03'05"S 48°13'53"E, 13.V.2014, Vorontsova et al. 1475 (K, TAN); Manongarivo, 300 m S of Antsambalahy, 14°03'00"S 48°13'40"E, 13.V.2014, Vorontsova et al. 1484 (K, TAN); 32 km S of Ambanja, 13°51'23"S 48°16'00"E, 14.V.2014, Vorontsova et al. 1490 (TAN); Manongarivo, Befalafa, 13°56'19"S 48°26'59"E, 3.V.1999, Wohlhauser et al. 60094 (G [G00418797], K [K000805452], P [P04430799]). Prov. Fianarantsoa: Fort Carnot, 1986, Beaujard 98 (P [P06795937]); 34 km N of Fianarantsoa, 31.I.1975, Croat 30159 (TAN); Ranomafana, 21°35'S 47°59'E, 29.VI.1987, Edelman 117 (TAN); Ambohimitombo, 26.I.1895, Forsyth-Major 732 (K [K000805454]); Mananjary, III.1909, Geay 7247 (P [P06795941]); ibid. loco, III.1909, Geay 7465 (P [P06795943]); ibid. loco, III.1909, Geay 7812 (P [P06795940]); Ikongo, Andrambovato, 24.I.1955, Humbert 28470 (P [P02251491]); Itremo, Ihazofotsy, 20°34'45"S 46°36'26"E, 22.II.2014, Nanjarisoa et al. 167 (K, TAN); Isalo, 13.IV.1961, Peltier & Peltier 3059 (P [P02251494], TAN); Isalo, Namaza Riv., 22°32'20"S 45°22'43"E, 16.XII.2013, Vorontsova et. al. 1298 (TAN); ibid. loco, 18.XII.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1324 (TAN). Prov. Mahajanga: Maromandia, Ambodirafia, 19.IX.1922, Decary 1049 (P [P02251472]); Maromandia, Sandrakoto, 27.XI.1922, Decary 1284 (P [P02324481]); Tsaratananakely, V.1958, Descoings 3351 (P [P02726858], TAN); S of Sofia, 15°28'S 47°36'E, 10.X.2011, Hall et al. 11 (K, TAN); Firingalava entre Maevatanana et Andiba, II.1898, Perrier de la Bâthie 892 bis (P [P02324478]); Bemarivo, III.1907, Perrier de la Bâthie 11241 (P [P02324475]); Andranomavo in Soalala, 14.VII.1977, Rakotozafy 1904 (TAN); Anjojahely, 69 km before Ambanja, 14°05'10"S 48°06'34"E, 9.V.2014, Vorontsova et al. 1458 (TAN); 1 km S of Ankaramy Be, 13°59'23"S 48°10'30"E, 14.V.2014, Vorontsova et al. 1498 (TAN). Prov. Toamasina: Ambatovy, 18°50'49"S 48°17'45"E, 10.III.2005, Antilahimena et al. 3694 (P [P06768482]); Ambila, 17.III.1951, Benoist 768 (P [P02251493], TAN); Analamazaotra, 3.IX.1951, Benoist 1121 (P [P03487899]); Sainte Marie, 1849, Boivin 1620 (P [P00836145]); Lavanono Lanambo, Sainte Marie, IV.1851, Boivin s.n. (P [P02324479]); Sahamamy Périnet, X.1951, Bosser 2132 (TAN); Ambila, 3.V.1928, Decary 636 (P [P02324482]); Fenerive Est, 28.IV.1926, Decary 3909 (P [P02251490]); Ambila, 4.V.1928, Decary 6390 (P [P06795942], TAN); Sandrangato au S de Moramanga, 7.III.1942, Decary 17778 (P [P02324483]); between Tamatave and Mahambo, 21.VI.1866, Gerrard s.n. (K [K000244689]); Lac Alaotra, Herb. Jard. Bot. Tan. 3422 (P [P02324484]); Vohimena près Alaotra, XII.1963, Morat 247 (TAN); Foulpointe, I.1964, Morat 380 (TAN); baie d’Antongil, VIII.1912, Perrier de la Bâthie 12184 (P [P02324474]); Ivoloina, 1.V.1953, Portères s.n. (P [P02373635]); Ambatovy, Ambohibary, 18°51'26"S 48°18'12"E, 18.I.2005, Ranaivojaona et al. 1148 (P [P06768486]); Tamatave, 13.VII.1964, Tateoka 3574 (P [P06795938], TAN); Tamatave, 27.IX.1912, Viguier & Humbert 432 (G, P [P02251476], TAN); Mantadia, Sahanody Riv., 18°48'48"S 48°25'48"E, 7.X.2011, Vorontsova et al. 304 (K, TAN). Prov. Toliara: Isalo, gorges de Sakamarekely et Sambalinieto, 19.X.1924, Humbert 2883 (K [K000805451], P [P02251478]); Fort Dauphin, 20.IX.1928, Humbert 5988 bis (G, P [P01914098]); Beroroha, S de Tanandava, 11.III.1947, Humbert 20488 (P [P03487895]). Sine loco: VIII.1951, Bosser 1564 (TAN); Decary 17778 (P [P03487897]); Geay s.n. (P [P06795944]); village d’Ampangenabe, 7.VI.1881, Lantz s.n. (P [P02324472]); intérieur, 8.VI.1881, Lantz s.n. (P [P02251470]); 7.VI.1881, Lantz s.n. (P [P02251480]).
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Additional details
- Collection code
- G , G, K, P , G, P , G, P, TAN , G, P, US , K , K, P , K, TAN , LINN , P , P, TAN , TAN
- Event date
- 1866-06-21 , 1881-06-07 , 1881-06-08 , 1895-01-26 , 1912-09-27 , 1920-09-20 , 1922-09-19 , 1922-11-27 , 1924-10-19 , 1926-04-28 , 1928-05-03 , 1928-05-04 , 1928-09-20 , 1942-03-07 , 1947-03-11 , 1951-03-17 , 1951-03-31 , 1951-09-03 , 1953-05-01 , 1955-01-24 , 1961-04-13 , 1964-07-13 , 1975-01-31 , 1977-07-14 , 1987-06-29 , 1994-06-23 , 1999-05-03 , 2005-01-18 , 2005-03-10 , 2007-11-28 , 2008-11-19 , 2009-01-23 , 2011-10-07 , 2011-10-10 , 2011-10-11 , 2013-12-16 , 2013-12-18 , 2014-02-22 , 2014-05-09 , 2014-05-13 , 2014-05-14
- Family
- Poaceae
- Genus
- Panicum
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Material sample ID
- G00022451, G00022452, G00378073, P00836145, P02251474, US00074213, US000132970 , G00180736 , G00181116 , G00181732 , G00418797, K000805452, P04430799 , K000244689 , K000805451, P02251478 , K000805454 , K000805455, P02251495 , P00836145 , P01914098 , P02251470 , P02251472 , P02251475 , P02251476 , P02251480 , P02251490 , P02251491 , P02251492 , P02251493 , P02251494 , P02307355 , P02309320 , P02324471 , P02324472 , P02324474 , P02324475 , P02324477 , P02324478 , P02324479 , P02324480 , P02324481 , P02324482 , P02324483 , P02324484 , P02373635 , P02428363 , P02726858 , P03487895 , P03487897 , P03487899 , P06768482 , P06768486 , P06795937 , P06795938 , P06795940 , P06795941 , P06795942 , P06795943 , P06795944
- Order
- Poales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Species
- brevifolium
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- isolectotype , lectotype
- Verbatim event date
- 1866-06-21 , 1881-06-07 , 1881-06-08 , 1895-01-26 , 1912-09-27 , 1920-09-20 , 1922-09-19 , 1922-11-27 , 1924-10-19 , 1926-04-28 , 1928-05-03 , 1928-05-04 , 1928-09-20 , 1942-03-07 , 1947-03-11 , 1951-03-17 , 1951-03-31 , 1951-09-03 , 1953-05-01 , 1955-01-24 , 1961-04-13 , 1964-07-13 , 1975-01-31 , 1977-07-14 , 1987-06-29 , 1994-06-23 , 1999-05-03 , 2005-01-18 , 2005-03-10 , 2007-11-28 , 2008-11-19 , 2009-01-23 , 2011-10-07 , 2011-10-10 , 2011-10-11 , 2013-12-16 , 2013-12-18 , 2014-02-22 , 2014-05-09 , 2014-05-13 , 2014-05-14
- JARVIS, C. (2007). Order out of chaos: Linnaean plant names and their types. Linnean Society of London.
- VELDKAMP, J. F. (1996). Revision of Panicum and Whiteochloa in Malesia (Gramineae-Paniceae). Blumea 41: 181 - 216.
- BOSSER, J. (1969). Graminees des paturages et des cultures a Madagascar. Orstom.