Published February 11, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Panorpa fengyanga Wang & Suzuki 2022, sp. nov.

  • 1. College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, Dali University, Dali 671003, P. R. China. & Tianlong Entomological Institute, Dali 671003, P. R. China.
  • 2. Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Nagano 390 - 8621, Japan.


Panorpa fengyanga sp. nov. ED6669D2-9620-40C1-8B7C-4543B4A79B00

Figs 3, 6


This species is very similar to Panorpa obliquifascia Chou & Wang, 1987 in the oblique pterostigmal band, but can be easily differentiated from the latter by the following characters: 1) meso- and metanotum each with a yellowish mesal stripe (cf. lacking such a stripe); 2) male paramere with dorsal branch bearing very long bristles directing meso-basad (cf. shorter and directing meso-caudad); and 3) female

medigynium with axis slightly shorter than posterior arms (cf. longer). The mesal stripes in meso- and metanotum are unique among its relatives.


This species is named after the type locality, Mount Fengyang. Noun in apposition.

Material examined

Holotype CHINA • ♂; Zhejiang, Mt. Fengyang; alt. 1400 m; 20 Jun. 2020; Dan-Chen Zhu leg.; DALU.

Paratypes CHINA • 1 ♂, 1♀; same collection data as for holotype; DALU.



HEAD (Fig. 3A). Vertex black medially and yellowish brown near compound eyes. Ocellar triangle black. Rostrum yellowish brown, long and stout. Scape yellowish brown basally and dark brown distally, pedicel dark brown, flagellum black with approximately 35 flagellomeres.

THORAX (Fig. 3A). Pronotum black, bearing 6–8 stout setae along anterior margin. Meso- and metanotum black, each with yellowish, gourd-shaped mesal stripe. Pleura and legs light greyish brown with distal tarsomeres blackish.

WINGS (Fig. 3A). Membrane hyaline with markings dark brown. In forewing, apical band slightly reduced and usually with hyaline spot; pterostigmal band oblique, with an intact basal branch and detached apical branch; marginal spot inconspicuous; basal band and basal spot fused along hind margin with rounded hyaline spot near ending of CuP; Sc extending approximately at middle of anterior margin; Rs five-branched; 1A ending far beyond origin of Rs. In hindwing, markings similar but more reduced than those of forewing.

ABDOMEN (Fig. 3A, C). T1–T5 dark brown, S1–S5 light brown. Notal organ on posterior margin of T3 slightly protruded, semicircular and bearing dense setae posteriorly; postnotal organ on anterior portion of T4 acute and curved dorso-cephalad. A6 black, cylindrical and slightly longer than T5. A7 reddish brown, approximately half as long as A6, cylindrical and slightly beveled apically; A8 similar but slightly longer, thinner, and greatly beveled apically.

GENITALIA (Fig. 3D–G). Genital bulb reddish brown, long oval. Epandrium long trapezoidal, with deep terminal emargination and a pair of finger-like processes laterally. Cercus long clavate and blackish. Hypandrium with long and broad basal stalk, and distally split into a pair of hypovalves; hypovalves longer than basal stalk of hypandrium, widely divergent basally and slightly convergent distally, and nearly reaching apex of gonocoxites. Gonocoxites beveled apically; gonostylus approximately half as long as gonocoxites, and bearing an obtuse triangular median tooth and large trapezoidal basal process; small acute process on dorso-apical margin of basal process. Parameres with reduced and detached dorsal bridge, and bifurcated into slender and glabrous ventral branch and bristle-bearing dorsal branch; ventral branch protruding ventrad at basal half and turning caudad in distal half, approximately ⅔ as long as dorsal branch, and tapering into thin and pointed apex; dorsal branch stout, bearing dense bristles on ventral margin; bristles in apical portion extraordinary long and stout, and directing mesobasad. Aedeagus with ventral valves sclerotized, short and subtriangular; dorsal valves very short and inconspicuous; dorsal processes longer and stout; lateral processes elongated and curled mesad.


Similar to males in general appearance, but with slightly denser wing markings (Fig. 3B).

GENITALIA (Fig. 3H–I). Subgenital plate oval and slightly emarginated terminally, with subtriangular process on distal 3/5 of lateral margin; distal 2/5 of subgenital plate narrow, bearing long stout setae. Medigynium with broad dorsal plate; dorsal plate enclosing main plate of medigynium and emarginated in V-shape terminally; main plate poorly developed; posterior arms slightly elbow-shaped and tapering apically; axis slightly shorter than posterior arms with a pair of slightly divergent apodemes; decorated area of axis greatly elongated posteriorly, subtranslucent and subtriangular; between two apodemes acicular process protruded and slightly exceeding apodemes proximally.


China, Zhejiang (Mt. Fengyang) (Fig. 6).


Published as part of Wang, Ji-Shen & Suzuki, Tomoya, 2022, Review of the Panorpa wormaldi group (Mecoptera: Panorpidae), with descriptions of two new species, pp. 18-39 in European Journal of Taxonomy 794 on pages 28-30, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.794.1651,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Wang & Suzuki
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Panorpa fengyanga Wang & Suzuki, 2022


  • Chou I., Wang S. - M., Li Z. - D. & Tong X. - W. 1987. New species of Mecoptera from Hunan Province (I) - Studies on the classification of Chinese Mecoptera (III). Entomotaxonomia 9 (3): 201 - 212.