Published December 31, 1968 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Disperis johnstonii Rolfe


2. D. johnstonii Rolfe

in F.T.A. 7: 291 (1898); Summerh. in Hook., Ic. PI. 33. t. 3269 (1935) & in F.W.T.A., ed. 2, 3: 203 (1968). Type: Tanganyika, Kilimanjaro, H. H. Johnston (K, holo.!)

Glabrous herb, 4-5-15 cm. tall, arising from a hairy globose or narrowly cylindrical tuber 0-4-1 cm. long and wide. Leaves 2, remotely alternate, sessile, sheathing at the base, rounded-ovate to ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, 0-8-3 cm. long, 0-45-2-2 cm. wide, acute or apiculate, subcordate to cordate and stem-clasping above the sheath, mostly crimson or purplish beneath. Racemes (l-)2-5-flowered; flowers white and pale purple or pink; bracts leaf-like, broadly elliptic, 0-6-1 cm. long, 3-5-7 mm. wide, acute or shortly acuminate. Intermediate sepal linear, 0-8-1 cm. long, 0-6 mm. wide, joined to the petals to form an open concave hood 0-8-1-2 cm. long, 0-7-1 cm. wide, sometimes with a purple-margined yellow spot on either side; lateral sepals obliquely semicircular, 0-8-1-4 cm., 4-5-6-5 mm. wide, obtusely acuminate, joined for about a third of their length, bearing small sacs 0-5-1 mm.

long. Petals narrowly elliptic, falcate, 0-9-1 cm. long, 2-3 mm. wide, mostly whitish with yellow apex. Lip cream or yellowish, 4-6-5 mm. long, with claw sharply bent back on itself near base and there bearing a 2-lobed appendage, the lobes diverging and papillate; claw terminating in a rounded ovate limb which bears a median densely papillate crest or protuberance. Fig. 39/2.

Tanganyika. Kilimanjaro, Old Moshi, May 1926, Haarer 178!; Ulanga District: Mahenge area, Tabora, Jan. 1932, Schlieben 1665!; Songea District: about 1-5 km. W. of Kitai near R. Nakawali, Mar. 1956, Milne-Redhead Taylor 9067!

Distr. T2, 6-8; N. Nigeria, Cameroun and Congo Republics, Malawi and Rhodesia (see note)

Hab. Brachystegia, Uapaca woodland; "grassy places under trees in mouldy clay humus soil"; " tall grass in savanna "; "with mosses in eroded gully on red soil", also (fide Schlieben) in marshy places; 500-1800 m.

Syn. D. stolzii Schltr. in E.J. 53: 548 (1915) & in F.R. Beih. 68, t. 45/177 (1932).

Type: Tanganyika, Rungwe District, Bomalakitana, Stolz 672 (B, holo f, K, iso.!) (see note)

Note. One of the two sheets of Stolz 672 at Kew is labelled " Mulinda, Mwasukulu ", the other is not precisely annotated. The maximum leaf-sizes are those given by Schlechter; I have seen nothing with leaves quite so large. A single gathering from Rhodesia seems to differ only in having the hood yellow.


Published as part of Summerhayes, V. B., 1968, Orchidaceae (Part 1) part. in Flora of Tropical East Africa 1 (1) on pages 219-221


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