Published December 31, 1979 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Anapisona ashmolei Platnick & Shadab, 1979, new species


Anapisona ashmolei, new species Figures 19,32, 33

Types: Male holotype and female paratype taken on a rock in the terminal sump of the main cave at Los Tayos, latitude 3°10' S, longitude 78°12' W, Morona-Santiago,Ecuador (July 12,1976; N. P. Ashmole), deposited in AMNH courtesy of Dr. Ashmole.

Etymology: Named for the collector of the type specimens.

Diagnosis: Males of A. ashmolei may be recognized by the three bristles on the cymbial extension (fig. 19),females by the long epigynal openings and moderately coiled ducts (figs. 32,33).

Male: Total length 1.98. Carapace 0.90 long, 0.79 wide, 0.43 high. Abdomen 1.15 long, 1.12 wide. Pars cephalica and margins of pars thoracica brownish orange, remainder of pars thoracica dark brown. Sternum uniformly orange. Clypeal height more than three times the anterior lateral eye diameter. Posterior median eyes separated by twice their diameter from posterior laterals. Legs, setae, and tarsal claws elongated. Tibia I with one or two prolateroventral cusps at middle.

Embolus with three coils; cymbial extension with one thin subterminal and two thick terminal bristles (fig. 19).

Female: Total Length 1.94. Carapace 0.86 long, 0.61 wide, 0.46 high. Abdomen 1.22 long, 1.26 wide. Sternum with pale margins.

Clypeal height more than twice the anterior lateral eye diameter. Posterior median eyes separated by 1.5 times their diameter from posterior laterals. Tibia I with or without prolateroventral cusp at middle; metatarsus I with median and two distal, median and one distal, or only distal cusps.

Epigynal openings long (fig. 32); posterior portion of ducts transverse (fig. 33).

Material Examined: Ecuador: Morona-Santiago: Los Tayos, on wet wall of main cave, July 12,1976 (N. P. Ashmole, NPA), 1S; bottom of second (80,) pitch of Commando Cave, July 10,1976 (N. P. Ashmole, NPA), IS, 1$; 200 feet deep in Commando Cave, July 23, 1976 (N. P. Ashmole, NPA), 1$; July 10,1976 (G. T. Jefferson, NPA), 2$.


Published as part of Platnick, N. I & M. U. Shadab, 1979, A review of the spider genera Anapisona and Psudanapis, pp. 1-20 in American Museum Novitates 2672 on pages 9-10


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Anapisona ashmolei Platnick & Shadab, 1979