Erioloides longinoi Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Erioloides longinoi Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 B-C, 23A, 23F-G, 36B, 50A, Map 14
Type locality: Costa Rica, Guanacaste Prov., Estac. Pitilla; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to the previous species. Body slender, small for the genus; wings in both sexes surpassing apices of hind femora by about half their length (Fig. 37 B). Fastigium of vertex evenly tapered, its apex narrowly rounded, about as long as eye diameter and as wide as scapus (Fig. 23 F). Face flat, smooth; genal carinae of head poorly developed, hardly discernible. Dorsal surface of pronotum relatively rugose, flat; anterior margin of pronotum straight, posterior one weakly convex (Fig. 23 G); lateral lobes of pronotum about 1.7 times longer than high, their posterior angles right. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.2 mm long, 130 μm wide, with 239 closely spaced and relatively very wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 50 A); mirror approximately rectangular, slightly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed and forming actual margin of mirror; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation, distal margin of left mirror convex; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, somewhat divergent from AA1.
Male 10th tergite with two short, rounded, usually more or less parallel lobes (Fig. 22 B); female 10th tergite with deep, narrowly triangular incision. Male cercus robust, somewhat inflated, with large, blunt, hook-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus constricted (Figs. 22 B-C). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators flattened, squamose, distinctly dilated apically, apices multidentate, divergent (Fig. 23 A). Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, semicircular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with distinct lamella along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.61-0.67.
Coloration.— General coloration light green (Fig. 37 B). Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This species seems to have a wide distribution, ranging from Mexico, through Costa Rica (Map 14), to Panama.
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Guanacaste Prov., Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 3 May 1993 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); same locality, 15 June 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); same locality, 15 July 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, P.N. Guanacaste, elev. 700 m, 3 June 1993 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km St. Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 January 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Heredia Prov., Finca Naranjo Valenciana, 2 km S Pueblo Nuevo, Sarapiquí, elev. 90 m, 22 August 1992 (coll. M. Ortiz) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); same locality, elev. 90 m, 9 - 30 September 1992 (coll. M. Ortiz) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); PANAMA: Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is., 22 May 1977 (coll. Silberglied/Aiello) - 1 male (paratype) (UMMZ).; MEXICO: 20 mi W Tamazunchale, 19 September 1974 (coll. G. Bohart and W. Hanson) - 1 male (paratype) (EMUS).
Etymology.— This species is named in honor of John (Jack) Longino, one of the founders of the project ALAS, the first large scale inventory of the Arthropoda of the tropical rain forest.
Erioloides acutidentis Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 F-G, 23C, 23H, 50C, Map15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Estac. Pittier; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to the previous species; fastigium of vertex more pointed than in other species of the genus (Fig. 23 H). Male stridulatory file straight, 1.0 mm long, 103 μm wide, with 179 closely spaced and very wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 50 C); mirror elongately rectangular, distinctly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed, strongly divergent from AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation.
Male 10th tergite with small, narrow incision on posterior margin (Fig. 22 F). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with small, spur-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus blunt (Fig. 22 F-G). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators not clearly differentiated from phallic membrane, squamose (Fig. 23 C). Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, triangular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with irregular lamella along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.81.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— So far, this species is known from only a one locality in southern Puntarenas Prov. (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov., Estac. Pittier, elev. 1670 m, 23 August - 13 September 1995 (coll. E. Navarro) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); same locality, 26 September - 5 October 1995 (coll. E. Navarro) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP).
Etymology.— The specific epithet refers to the sharp, spur-like spine on the male cercus.
Erioloides sikesi Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 I-H, 23D, 50B, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Res. Biol. Monteverde, Estac. La Casona; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description (male, female unknown).— Very similar to the previous species; fastigium of vertex more pointed than in other species of the genus. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.4 mm long, 146 μm wide, with 198 closely spaced and very wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 50 B); mirror nearly perfectly square; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, parallel to AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation.
Male 10th tergite with deep incision on posterior margin, resulting in two large, pointed lobes (note: Fig. 22 H shows the lobes from above, when the pointed ends of the lobes cannot be seen). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with small, blunt dorsal spine; apex of cercus blunt (Fig. 22I). Titillators flat, squamose, somewhat narrowed towards their apices (Fig. 23 D). Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, triangular incision at apex.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum yellow. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This species is known only from its type locality (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov., Estac. La Casona, Res. Biol. Monteverde, 1 - 30 April 1992 (coll. K. Flores) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP).
Etymology.— This species was named in honor of Derek S. Sikes, a fine coleopterist and good friend.
Erioloides latiscobinus Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 J-K, 23E, 49E, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela Prov., Sector Colonia Palmareña; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to previous species. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.1 mm long, 145 μm wide, with 220 closely spaced and extremely wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 49 E); mirror approximately rectangular, distinctly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed, slightly divergent from AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation, distal margin of left mirror concave; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, strongly divergent from AA1.
Male 10th tergite with small, triangular apical incision (Fig. 22 J). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with thin, finger-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus somewhat constricted (Fig. 22 K). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators flattened, squamose, apices multidentate, strongly divergent. Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, semicircular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with file of pegs along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.74-0.78.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This new species seems to be widely distributed in Costa Rica, with most records from low or mid elevation forest habitats (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Alajuela Prov., Estac. San Ramón Oeste, elev. 620 m, 19 April 1994 (coll. F. Quesada) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Sect. San Ramón de Dos Rios, elev. 620 m, 18 March - 13 April 1995 (coll. F.A. Quesada) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Sector Colonia Palmareña, 9 km SO de Bajo Rodríguez, elev. 700 m, 1 - 30 April 1995 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); same locality, 1 - 31 May 1997 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP); Guanacaste Prov., Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 18 - 23 July 1993 (coll. C. Moraga) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 June 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); same locality, 15 July 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km St. Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 May 1988 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 January 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 2 males, 2 females (paratypes) (INBio); Estac. Mengo, SW side Volcán Cacao, elev. 1100 m, 15 February 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 March 1990 (coll. P. Rios, C. Moraga and R. Blanco) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Heredia Prov., Finca Naranjo Valenciana, 2 km S Pueblo Nuevo, Sarapiquí, elev. 90 m, 9 - 30 September 1992 (coll. M. Ortiz) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Puntarenas Prov., Las Cruces, 1 July - 31 August 1991 (coll. J. Doubles) - 1 male (paratype) (UMMZ); Sirena, Corcovado N.P., elev. 0 - 100 m, 15 April 1989 (coll. R. Blanco and G. Fonseca) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Valle de Coto Brus, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanical Gardens, 22 March 1994 (coll. P. Naskrecki) - 1 male (paratype) (PN collection).
Etymology.— Named in reference to the extremely wide teeth of the stridulatory file of the male.
Erioloides acutidentis Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 F-G, 23C, 23H, 50C, Map15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Estac. Pittier; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to the previous species; fastigium of vertex more pointed than in other species of the genus (Fig. 23 H). Male stridulatory file straight, 1.0 mm long, 103 μm wide, with 179 closely spaced and very wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 50 C); mirror elongately rectangular, distinctly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed, strongly divergent from AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation.
Male 10th tergite with small, narrow incision on posterior margin (Fig. 22 F). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with small, spur-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus blunt (Fig. 22 F-G). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators not clearly differentiated from phallic membrane, squamose (Fig. 23 C). Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, triangular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with irregular lamella along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.81.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— So far, this species is known from only a one locality in southern Puntarenas Prov. (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov., Estac. Pittier, elev. 1670 m, 23 August - 13 September 1995 (coll. E. Navarro) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); same locality, 26 September - 5 October 1995 (coll. E. Navarro) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP).
Etymology.— The specific epithet refers to the sharp, spur-like spine on the male cercus.
Erioloides sikesi Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 I-H, 23D, 50B, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Res. Biol. Monteverde, Estac. La Casona; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description (male, female unknown).— Very similar to the previous species; fastigium of vertex more pointed than in other species of the genus. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.4 mm long, 146 μm wide, with 198 closely spaced and very wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 50 B); mirror nearly perfectly square; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, parallel to AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation.
Male 10th tergite with deep incision on posterior margin, resulting in two large, pointed lobes (note: Fig. 22 H shows the lobes from above, when the pointed ends of the lobes cannot be seen). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with small, blunt dorsal spine; apex of cercus blunt (Fig. 22I). Titillators flat, squamose, somewhat narrowed towards their apices (Fig. 23 D). Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, triangular incision at apex.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum yellow. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This species is known only from its type locality (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov., Estac. La Casona, Res. Biol. Monteverde, 1 - 30 April 1992 (coll. K. Flores) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP).
Etymology.— This species was named in honor of Derek S. Sikes, a fine coleopterist and good friend.
Erioloides latiscobinus Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 J-K, 23E, 49E, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela Prov., Sector Colonia Palmareña; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to previous species. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.1 mm long, 145 μm wide, with 220 closely spaced and extremely wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 49 E); mirror approximately rectangular, distinctly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed, slightly divergent from AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation, distal margin of left mirror concave; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, strongly divergent from AA1.
Male 10th tergite with small, triangular apical incision (Fig. 22 J). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with thin, finger-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus somewhat constricted (Fig. 22 K). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators flattened, squamose, apices multidentate, strongly divergent. Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, semicircular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with file of pegs along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.74-0.78.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This new species seems to be widely distributed in Costa Rica, with most records from low or mid elevation forest habitats (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Alajuela Prov., Estac. San Ramón Oeste, elev. 620 m, 19 April 1994 (coll. F. Quesada) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Sect. San Ramón de Dos Rios, elev. 620 m, 18 March - 13 April 1995 (coll. F.A. Quesada) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Sector Colonia Palmareña, 9 km SO de Bajo Rodríguez, elev. 700 m, 1 - 30 April 1995 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); same locality, 1 - 31 May 1997 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP); Guanacaste Prov., Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 18 - 23 July 1993 (coll. C. Moraga) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 June 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); same locality, 15 July 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km St. Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 May 1988 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 January 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 2 males, 2 females (paratypes) (INBio); Estac. Mengo, SW side Volcán Cacao, elev. 1100 m, 15 February 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 March 1990 (coll. P. Rios, C. Moraga and R. Blanco) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Heredia Prov., Finca Naranjo Valenciana, 2 km S Pueblo Nuevo, Sarapiquí, elev. 90 m, 9 - 30 September 1992 (coll. M. Ortiz) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Puntarenas Prov., Las Cruces, 1 July - 31 August 1991 (coll. J. Doubles) - 1 male (paratype) (UMMZ); Sirena, Corcovado N.P., elev. 0 - 100 m, 15 April 1989 (coll. R. Blanco and G. Fonseca) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Valle de Coto Brus, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanical Gardens, 22 March 1994 (coll. P. Naskrecki) - 1 male (paratype) (PN collection).
Etymology.— Named in reference to the extremely wide teeth of the stridulatory file of the male.
Erioloides sikesi Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 I-H, 23D, 50B, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Res. Biol. Monteverde, Estac. La Casona; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description (male, female unknown).— Very similar to the previous species; fastigium of vertex more pointed than in other species of the genus. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.4 mm long, 146 μm wide, with 198 closely spaced and very wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 50 B); mirror nearly perfectly square; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, parallel to AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation.
Male 10th tergite with deep incision on posterior margin, resulting in two large, pointed lobes (note: Fig. 22 H shows the lobes from above, when the pointed ends of the lobes cannot be seen). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with small, blunt dorsal spine; apex of cercus blunt (Fig. 22I). Titillators flat, squamose, somewhat narrowed towards their apices (Fig. 23 D). Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, triangular incision at apex.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum yellow. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This species is known only from its type locality (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov., Estac. La Casona, Res. Biol. Monteverde, 1 - 30 April 1992 (coll. K. Flores) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP).
Etymology.— This species was named in honor of Derek S. Sikes, a fine coleopterist and good friend.
Erioloides latiscobinus Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 J-K, 23E, 49E, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela Prov., Sector Colonia Palmareña; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to previous species. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.1 mm long, 145 μm wide, with 220 closely spaced and extremely wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 49 E); mirror approximately rectangular, distinctly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed, slightly divergent from AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation, distal margin of left mirror concave; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, strongly divergent from AA1.
Male 10th tergite with small, triangular apical incision (Fig. 22 J). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with thin, finger-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus somewhat constricted (Fig. 22 K). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators flattened, squamose, apices multidentate, strongly divergent. Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, semicircular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with file of pegs along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.74-0.78.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This new species seems to be widely distributed in Costa Rica, with most records from low or mid elevation forest habitats (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Alajuela Prov., Estac. San Ramón Oeste, elev. 620 m, 19 April 1994 (coll. F. Quesada) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Sect. San Ramón de Dos Rios, elev. 620 m, 18 March - 13 April 1995 (coll. F.A. Quesada) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Sector Colonia Palmareña, 9 km SO de Bajo Rodríguez, elev. 700 m, 1 - 30 April 1995 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); same locality, 1 - 31 May 1997 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP); Guanacaste Prov., Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 18 - 23 July 1993 (coll. C. Moraga) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 June 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); same locality, 15 July 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km St. Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 May 1988 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 January 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 2 males, 2 females (paratypes) (INBio); Estac. Mengo, SW side Volcán Cacao, elev. 1100 m, 15 February 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 March 1990 (coll. P. Rios, C. Moraga and R. Blanco) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Heredia Prov., Finca Naranjo Valenciana, 2 km S Pueblo Nuevo, Sarapiquí, elev. 90 m, 9 - 30 September 1992 (coll. M. Ortiz) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Puntarenas Prov., Las Cruces, 1 July - 31 August 1991 (coll. J. Doubles) - 1 male (paratype) (UMMZ); Sirena, Corcovado N.P., elev. 0 - 100 m, 15 April 1989 (coll. R. Blanco and G. Fonseca) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Valle de Coto Brus, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanical Gardens, 22 March 1994 (coll. P. Naskrecki) - 1 male (paratype) (PN collection).
Etymology.— Named in reference to the extremely wide teeth of the stridulatory file of the male.
Erioloides latiscobinus Naskrecki and Cohn, n. sp.
Figs. 22 J-K, 23E, 49E, Map 15
Type locality: Costa Rica, Alajuela Prov., Sector Colonia Palmareña; type depository: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia – holotype male
Diagnostic description.— Very similar to previous species. Male stridulatory file straight, 1.1 mm long, 145 μm wide, with 220 closely spaced and extremely wide, lamelliform teeth; teeth in proximal half of file thinner and more closely arranged than in distal part (Fig. 49 E); mirror approximately rectangular, distinctly longer than wide; secondary veinlet next to AA1 well developed, slightly divergent from AA1; stridulatory area of left wing devoid of secondary venation, distal margin of left mirror concave; secondary veinlet next to AA1 present, strongly divergent from AA1.
Male 10th tergite with small, triangular apical incision (Fig. 22 J). Male cercus relatively slender, cylindrical, with thin, finger-like dorsal spine; apex of cercus somewhat constricted (Fig. 22 K). Female cercus simple, elongately conical, distinctly curved. Titillators flattened, squamose, apices multidentate, strongly divergent. Male subgenital plate with distinct ventral keel and deep triangular incision apically; female subgenital plate broadly triangular, with small, semicircular incision at apex. Ovipositor relatively slender, with file of pegs along midline of upper valvula; ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.74-0.78.
Coloration.— General coloration light green. Face pale green, mandibles brightly emerald green, labrum dark brown. Tegmina green, with contrastingly yellow venation. Legs green; abdomen light green dorsally; purple ventrally; ovipositor light brown, with darker apex.
Measurements.— Table 15.
Distribution.— This new species seems to be widely distributed in Costa Rica, with most records from low or mid elevation forest habitats (Map 15).
Material examined.— COSTA RICA: Alajuela Prov., Estac. San Ramón Oeste, elev. 620 m, 19 April 1994 (coll. F. Quesada) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Sect. San Ramón de Dos Rios, elev. 620 m, 18 March - 13 April 1995 (coll. F.A. Quesada) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Sector Colonia Palmareña, 9 km SO de Bajo Rodríguez, elev. 700 m, 1 - 30 April 1995 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 female (allotype) (ANSP); same locality, 1 - 31 May 1997 (coll. G. Carballo) - 1 male (holotype) (ANSP); Guanacaste Prov., Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S. Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 18 - 23 July 1993 (coll. C. Moraga) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 June 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); same locality, 15 July 1994 (coll. C. Moraga) - 1 male (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km St. Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 May 1988 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 3 males (paratypes) (INBio); same locality, 15 January 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 2 males, 2 females (paratypes) (INBio); Estac. Mengo, SW side Volcán Cacao, elev. 1100 m, 15 February 1989 (coll. GNP Biodiversity Survey) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Estac. Pitilla, 9 km S Santa Cecilia, elev. 700 m, 15 March 1990 (coll. P. Rios, C. Moraga and R. Blanco) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Heredia Prov., Finca Naranjo Valenciana, 2 km S Pueblo Nuevo, Sarapiquí, elev. 90 m, 9 - 30 September 1992 (coll. M. Ortiz) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Puntarenas Prov., Las Cruces, 1 July - 31 August 1991 (coll. J. Doubles) - 1 male (paratype) (UMMZ); Sirena, Corcovado N.P., elev. 0 - 100 m, 15 April 1989 (coll. R. Blanco and G. Fonseca) - 1 female (paratype) (INBio); Valle de Coto Brus, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanical Gardens, 22 March 1994 (coll. P. Naskrecki) - 1 male (paratype) (PN collection).
Etymology.— Named in reference to the extremely wide teeth of the stridulatory file of the male.
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Additional details
- Family
- Tettigoniidae
- Genus
- Erioloides
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Orthoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Naskrecki and Cohn
- Species
- longinoi
- Taxonomic status
- n. sp.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Erioloides longinoi Naskrecki, 2000