Published December 31, 2003 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Amazopimpla matogrossoensis Saaksjarvi, Gauld & Jussila, sp.n.


Amazopimpla matogrossoensis Sääksjärvi, Gauld & Jussila, sp.n. (Fig. 10)

MATERIAL EXAMINED: Holotype female: Brazil, Mato Grosso: Tomador, 16 miles S. of Diamantino, 1500 ft. 20­27.VIII.1925, C. L. Collenelle leg. (BMNH). Paratype female: Brazil, Mato Grosso 12º50’S, 51º47’W 8.IV.1968, O. W. Richards leg. (BMNH).

HOLOTYPE FEMALE: Mandible proximally fairly evenly tapered, with upper tooth slightly longer than lower tooth. Malar space about 0.1 times basal mandibular width. Face polished, with very few setiferous punctures, about 1.2 times as wide as medially high. Length­to­thickness ratio of first flagellomere about 4.9. Head, in dorsal view, with gena weakly but evenly rounded behind eye; posterior ocellus separated from compound eye by 1.4 times its own maximum diameter; ocelli forming an equilateral triangle; occipital carina present ventrally as a vestige, joining hypostomal carina. Pronotum almost bare, in profile rather long and mediodorsally rather short. Mesoscutum with some yellow hairs, centrally bare, anteriorly moderately rounded, with notauli moderately impressed. Mesopleuron highly polished, with some setiferous punctures and with some light hairs; epicnemial carina very low, not reaching the level of lower corner of pronotum; epicnemium with a secondary carina adjacent to front coxa. Metapleuron very weakly convex, smooth and polished, with some setiferous punctures; submetapleural carina complete and distinct. Propodeum in profile rather weakly declivous, smooth, laterally with some shallow punctures; pleural carina rather low, especially the posterior part of it. Fore wing length about 12.0 mm; vein 3rs­m complete, enclosing an obliquely rhombic areolet. Hind wing with abscissa of Cu1 between M and cu­a distinctly bowed, about 4.0 times as long as cu­a. Length of hind femur about 3.3 times its breadth. Metasoma quite stout; tergite 1 about 1.0 times as long as posteriorly broad, lateromedian carinae absent, lateral carinae weakly present posteriorly; tergite 1 in profile dorsally evenly convex; tergite 2 about 0.6 times as long as posteriorly broad, with a low and smooth central area, lateral oblique and posterior transverse grooves polished, with rather coarse punctures; tergites 3­5 with a smooth central area, the surrounding furrows finely punctate. Ovipositor projecting beyond apex of metasoma by about 2.5 times length of hind tibia; ovipositor shaft moderately slender, rather straight, laterally slightly compressed; ovipositor subapically subcylindrical; apex of lower valve dorsolaterally expanded to partially enclose the upper valve, bearing about eight rather oblique apical teeth and a distinct scabrous furrow; apex of upper valve with about six weak dorsal teeth.

Head dark brown to black, with ventral margin of face orange; clypeus yellow, mandible basally yellow, centrally orange and apically blackish, other mouthparts orange; antenna blackish; mesosoma and metasoma entirely orange, with tergites from 5 to apex black with very thin light apical margins. Fore and middle legs orange, with partly whitish coxae; hind leg almost wholly dark brown, only trochantellus and base of femur somewhat lighter. Wings yellowish, fore wing with apex distal 3 rs­m blackish, and with a blackish median band extending from Rs & M to level of middle of pterostigma; hind wing with a blackish subapical dorsal spot; pterostigma black.

THE PARATYPE FEMALE agree the holotype but the pronotum is dorsally brownish, the mesopleuron has light brown blotches around the epicnemial carina and on the apical corner, and the metapleuron is partly brown; the back part of the middle coxa is brown, and the hind femora are somewhat lighter.

MALE unknown.

DIAGNOSIS: In appearance, A. matogrossoensis is quite similar to A. farallonensis, but differs from it most distinctly in structure in the relative lengths of the ovipositor (2.5 vs 3.1), in relative length of the abscisa of the vein Cu1 (4.0 vs 1.8). In color, A. matogrossoensis also resembles A. farallonensis, but has the clypeus yellow, propleuron orange, pronotum orange and fore and middle legs mainly orange.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name refers to the type locality of this species.


Published as part of Sääksjärvi, Ilari E., Palacio, Edgard, Gauld, Ian D., Jussila, Reijo & Salo, Jukka, 2003, A new genus and six new species of the tropical Camptotypus genus­group (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae) from northern South America, pp. 1-18 in Zootaxa 197 on pages 14-15, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.156248


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