Published December 31, 2004 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Drymeia aterrima Wulp 1896


Drymeia aterrima (Wulp, 1896)

(Figs 1–5)

Drymeia aterrima Wulp, 1896: 335, plate 8, figs 13, 13a (Pogonomyia). Type­locality: “ Mexico, Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet ”.


Male. General colouration black, including antenna black, upper and lower calypter dark brown; wing brownish, legs dark brown, thorax and abdomen black. Body length 5.9 mm, wing length 5 mm.

Head. Eyes bare; holoptic; frons width about 0.24 mm at the anterior ocellus level; anterointernal ommatidia slightly enlarged; 11 pairs of frontal setae, the uppermost ones weak and the last one reclinate. Antenna inserted below the median height of eye; arista pubescent, with the longest cilia as long as the basal width of arista. Parafacial bare and widened, as wide as the width of the first flagellomere. Palpus slightly spatulate apically.

Thorax. Dorsocentral setae 2:3; acrostichal setae undeveloped, not distinct from the ground setulae; 2 humeral setae; one posthumeral seta; one presutural seta; 2 intra­alar setae; pre­alar seta strong; one supra­alar seta; 2 postsupra­alar setae. Notopleuron with anterior seta slightly longer than the posterior one, and with ground setulae. Anepimeron, katepimeron, meron, metakatepisternum and anatergite bare; katatergite pubescent; katepisternal setae 1:2, the upper posterior one strong; postalar wall and supra­squamal ridge bare. Posterior spiracle bare and reduced, smaller than the knob of haltere. Scutellum with one lateral pair of setae slightly shorter than the apical one, a preapical and a strong apical pair. Prosternum bare.

Wing. Subcostal vein smooth; A2 vein not with a pronounced curve; lower calypter small, slightly larger than the upper one, and bare on dorsal face; subcostal sclerite bare; all veins bare except for the costa.

Legs. Fore tibia with a median and a strong submedian seta on ventral face; tarsus with the claws and pulvilli developed, as long as the fifth tarsomere. Mid femur with 5–6 setae on the anteroventral face, less developed to the apex; posteroventral face with 4 setae at median third; and without a preapical seta on anterior face. Mid tibia with one seta at apical third of the anterior face; 2 median setae on the posterior face; and one seta at apical third of the ventral face; tarsus as the anterior one. Hind coxa bare on posterior face. Hind femur with a complete row of setae on the anterodorsal face; about 9 setae on the anteroventral face, more approximated to each other towards the apex; 3–4 weak setae at apical third of the posteroventral face, and a row of setae at basal 2/3 of the posterior face. Hind tibia with 7 setae on the anterodorsal face, the longest ones at the median third; anteroventral face with 3 setae at median third; dorsal face with a preapical seta; posterodorsal face with 7 setae, but only the strong calcar and a median seta well developed; a strong preapical seta on anterodorsal face; tarsus as the anterior one.

Abdominal sternite 1 bare. Terminalia (Figs 1–3). Sternite 5 as in Fig. 1. Cercal plate (Fig. 3) with subparallel margins, the upper incision deep and the lower one more discretely present. Aedeagus (Fig. 2) with the paramere moderately slender, distiphallus with apical spinules and with some grooving near and at its median constricted portion.

Female. Differing from male by the following: head dichoptic; interfrontal setae pair present; 4 pairs of frontal setae; 1 proclinate and 2 reclinate orbital setae; mid femur with weakly developed setae at the median third of the posteroventral face; mid tibia with two seta at apical third of the anterior face and two setae at apical half of the ventral face; hind tibia with 4 setae at median third of the anteroventral face. Ovipositor (Figs 4–5) with spicules on the intersegmental membranes.

Type­material examined: Lectotype male (BMNH), by present designation, labelled: “Syn­/ Type ”; “B.C.A. Dipt. II./ Pogonomyia / aterrima,/ v.d.W.”; “Ciudad, Mex.,/ 8100 ft./ Forrer”; “CENT. AMERICA:/ F.D.Godman &./ O.Salvin./ B.M. 1903­172” [on underside of label]; and a red label written “ Lectotype ” was added. Specimen in good condition but the wings somewhat damaged, the abdomen dissected and placed in a micro­vial with glycerine pinned together the specimen. Paralectotypes: 2 males and 2 females, same locality data as lectotype, and conspecific with the lectotype. One paralectotype male (BMNH) in good condition, lacking the midlegs, second to fifth tarsomeres of the right hindleg, and fourth and fifth tarsomeres of the left hindleg. Another paralectotype male (BMNH) in reasonable condition, lacking the forelegs, and tibia and tarsus of the right midleg. One paralectotype female (BMNH) in reasonable condition, lacking the mid and hindlegs, and tibia and tarsus of the left foreleg, with the abdomen dissected and placed in a micro­vial with glycerine pinned together the specimen. Another paralectotype female (BMNH) in reasonable condition, lacking abdomen, forelegs, left hindleg and right hind tarsus. All the examined paralectotypes labelled as for the lectotype, except for the added green label written “ Paralectotype ”. Also, one paralectotype female at the Illinois Natural History Survey Collection (according to Webb 1980: 90, but listed as male in error – A. C. Pont, personal communication), not examined.

Other material examined: U.S.A.: Washington, Pullman, one female, 12.v.1912, R. Dahl collection (BMNH); Montana, Powell County, one female, no date, R. Dahl collection (BMNH); Montana, one female, no date, R. Dahl collection (BMNH).

Comments on the type­locality: Wulp (1896) designated “ MEXICO, Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet ” as the type­locality but quoted as “ Mexico, Durango Ciudad” by Pont (1972) and subsequently by Carvalho et al. (1993). In Selander & Vaurie’s (1962) Gazetteer of localities for the entomological material collected and studied through the ‘Biologia Centrali­Americana’, there are two records referring to Durango, namely Durango Province and Durango City (“Ciudad” means “City” in Spanish), the latter reported as 6352 feet above sea level. Hence, we are unable to determine exactly the type­locality, although supposedly it is somewhere in the Durango Province.

Distribution. Mexico.

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Published as part of Nihei, Silvio Shigueo & Carvalho, Claudio José Barros De, 2004, Lectotype designation and redescription of Drymeia aterrima (Wulp, 1896) (Diptera: Muscidae), pp. 1-6 in Zootaxa 612 on pages 2-4, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.158353


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Drymeia aterrima Wulp, 1896 sec. Nihei & Carvalho, 2004


  • Wulp, F. M. van der (1896) Group Anthomyiinae. [Part.] In: Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali-Americana. Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera, Vol. 2, Part 132, 321 - 344.
  • Webb, D. W. (1980) Primary insect types in the Illinois Natural History Survey Collection, exclusive of Collembola and Thysanoptera. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin, 32, 1 - 191.
  • Pont, A. C. (1972) Family Muscidae. In: A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States. 97. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, 111 pp.
  • Carvalho, C. J. B. de, Couri, M. S., Pont, A. C., Pamplona, D. M. & Lopes, S. M. (1993) Part II. Muscidae. In: Carvalho, C. J. B. de (Ed.), A catalogue of the Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) of the Neotropical region. Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, Sao Paulo, pp. 1 - 201.