Published December 31, 2004 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Trichodes aulicus Klug


Trichodes aulicus Klug (Plate 1; Figs. 1–5)

Trichodes aulicus Klug, 1842: 388.

ab. dregei Chevrolat, 1874: 301

ab. semiannulatus Corporaal, 1948: 653, f. 4. ab. semilunatus Corporaal, 1948: 654.

Type material

Lectotype. Ψ (here designated): “ Syntype ”, (without location), Krebs (ZMB). Paralectotype. ɗ (here designated): “ Paratype ”, afrique austral.; coll. L. Fairmaire; 1906 (MNHN).

Other specimens examined

1 specimen, 5 Km N. ef.; Bloubergstrand; Cape Province; 6.–7.X.1975; H. Geertsema (SANC); 4 specimens, Willowmore; Capland, Dr. Brauns (DEI); 13 specimens, Willowmore; Capland; Dr. Brauns; September 1915, Oktober 1916, August 1920, November 1927 (TMNH); 1 specimen, Brandkaross, Richtersveld; 9.IX.50; C. Koch, G. van Son (TMNH); 1 specimen, Hex R.; 15.XI.82 (SANC); 1 specimen, Hopefield; Capland; 1887; Dr. F. Bachmann (ZMB)

ab. dregei Chevrolat, 1874: 3 specimens, Brit. SW. Afrika; Kl. Namaland; Nigramoap VI.04; L. Schultze S. (ZMB); 1 specimen, Brit. SW. Afrika; Kl. Namaland; Nigramoap VI6.04; L. Schultze S. (DEI); 23 specimens, van Rhynsdorp; VIII.1927; Dr. Brauns (TMNH); 1 specimen (MNHN); 12 specimens, v Rhynsdorp; July, Aug.‚’27; G. v. Son (TMNH); 1 specimen, Van Rhyn’s­ Pass; 4.–5.XI.33; G. van Son (TMNH); 2 specimens, Aug. 1927; Dr. Brauns; van Rhynsdorp Cape (TMNH); 1 specimen, Matjesfontain; CP.; Aug. 1948.; H. K. Munro.; AcP. 4914 (SANC); 1 specimen, S. Afr.: W Cape; Matjiesriver 8 km SW; 33.24 S – 21.59 E; 11.XII.1995; E­Y: 3183; beating; leg. CL Bellamy (TMNH); 1 specimen, S. Afr.: W Cape; Vanrhynspass E base; 31.19 S – 19.01 E (TMNH); 2 specimens, South Africa, CP; Dassiefontain Farm; nr Kamieskroon; 30.09S 17.59E; 1.X.1990; CD Eardley (SANC); 2 specimens, South Africa, CP; Clanwilliam Dist; Biedouw Valley; 32.08S 19.14E; 5.IX.1987; C.D. Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, South Africa, CP; 10 km W Algeria; Clanwilliam Rd; 32.21S 19.03E; 4.IX.1987; C.D. Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, S. Afr.: N Cape Prov; Steinkopf 13 km S; 29.22 S – 17.47 E; 17.IX.1998; E Y: 3338; leg. CL Bellamy (TMNH); 1 specimen, S. Africa, W. Cape base Bokkeveldberge 36 km E Vanrhynsdorp; 31.19S, 19.01E, 200m; 25.IX.94, R.L.Westcott (TMNH); 2 specimens, South Africa, CP; Arkoep Farm; nr Bowersdorp; 30.19S 17.56E; IX.1990; CD Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, South Africa C. P.; Kamiesberg Pass; 30.12S 17.59E; 11.IX.1987; C.D. Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, Namibia: Boom River Canyon; 4 km N of Orange River; (ESE of Rosh Pinah); 28.00, 5S 17.03E 200m; 25.–30.X.1996; M & A Wedd Expedition (SANC); 1 specimen, S. Afr., Namaqualand; Koekenaap; 31.32S – 18.14E; 31.VIII.1979; E– Y: 1626; white Mesem, bush; leg. Endrödy­Younga (TMNH); 1 specimen, SRA, Western Cape; Farm Kalkgat Noord; S 31° 07’30’’, Malaise; E 18° 55’30’’, falle; 8–18.VIII.2000; leg. U. Schmidel (CRG); 1 specimen, SRA, Western Cape; Farm Kalkgat Noord; S 31° 07’30’’, Malaise; E 18° 55’30’’, falle; 18–27.VIII.2000; leg. U. Schmidel (CRG); 1 specimen, RSA, Western Cape; Farm Thomasfontaine S 31° 28’40’’, Malaise; E 18° 46’54’’, falle; 31.VIII.–16.IX.2000; leg. U. Schmidel (CRG); 1 specimen, SRA, Western Cape; Farm Kaap se Driff, S 31° 26’01’’, Malaise; E 18° 47’34’’, falle 19.– 24.VIII.2000, leg. U. Schmidel (CRG)

ab. semiannulatus Corporaal, 1948: Holotype Ψ: Cape Province, Montagu; 23.–30. Sept. 1924; S. Africa; R.E. Turner (ZMA); Paratypes 2 ɗɗ: Cape Province, Montagu; 23.– 30.9.1924; S. Africa; R.E. Turner (ZMA); Ψ: Cap de B. Esp; (Coll Ch. Schill); H. Donckier 1909 (MNHN). Further specimens: 1 specimen, Cape; Coll. Gorham – Olivier 1914 (MNHN); 2 specimens, Cape Town; S. Afr. Mus.; Coll. S. Schenkling (DEI); 3 specimens, Hex R. 15.XI.1882 (SANC)

ab. semilunatus Corporaal, 1948: Holotype ɗ: coll. Drege (ZMA); Paratype 1 ɗ, 1 Ψ: Cap. b. sp.; Drege; Mus Drews (ZMA). Further specimens: 5 specimens, Brit. SW­ Afrika; Kl. Namaland; Nigramoap VI.04, I. Schultze S. (ZMB); Cap.; Drege; Coll. Kraatz (DEI); le Cap.; Coll. M. Pic (MNHN); 3 specimens, South Africa; CP; Dassiefontein Farm; nr Kamieskroon; 30.09S 17.59E; 1.XI.1990; CD Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, South Africa; CP; Clanwilliam Dist; Biedouw Valley; 32.08S 19.14E; 5.IX.1987; C.D. Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, South Africa, CP; 10 km W Algeria; Clanwilliam Rd; 32.21S 19.03E; 4.IX.1987; C.D. Eardley (SANC); 2 specimens, South Africa, CP; Arkoep Farm; nr Bowersdorp; 30.19S 17.56E; 9.1990, CD Eardley (SANC); 1 specimen, 5 km N. ef; Bloubergstrand; Cape Province; 6–7.X.1975; H. Geertsema (SANC); 2 specimens, South Africa: Cape Prov; Eselsfontein 460 m; S 29.42 E 17.43 16–17.IX.1984 CL Bellamy/ W Wittmer (SANC); South Africa: Cape Prov; Wilderpaarde Hoek Pass; S 29.56 E 17.37 18.IX.1984; 380 m CL Bellamy/W. Wittmer (SANC); 1 specimen, South Africa C.P.; N. Nuwerus 31.08S; 18.22E; 29.IX.1990; C.D. Eardley (TMNH); 1 specimen, South Africa: Cape; Eselsfontein; 29.42S – 17.42E 500 m; 16.–18.IX.1985; AV Evans; CL Bellamy (TMNH); 1 specimen, S. Afr.: W Cape; Vanrhynspass E base; 31.19S – 19.01E; 25.IX.1994; E­Y:3044; flowers & vegetat.; Endrödy & Bellamy (TMNH); 1 specimen, S. Afr; SW Cape; Rooidam farm; 31.04S – 17.48E; 20.IX.1994; E­Y: 3025; flowers & vegetation; Endrödy & Bellamy (TMNH); 1 specimen, S. Afr: W Cape; Dermbergsdraaifarm; 30.47S – 17.43E; 18.IX.1994: E­Y: 3017; flower vegetation; Enrödy & Bellamy (TMNH); 1 specimen, Cap b. sp.; Coll. Geittner (DEI); 1 specimen, 15.XI.82 (TMNH); 1 specimen, Hex R (TMNH); 1 specimen, Hopefield; Capland; 1887; Dr. F. Bachmann (ZMB); 1 specimen, RSA, Cape 30.X.96; near Garies; Werner leg. (CRG); RSA 24–25.X.96; Cape, near; Kamieskroon; Werner leg. (CRG).


Length: 4.5–11 mm (126 specimens)

Head including eyes broader than apex of pronotum; densely punctate; antennae and club dark, base more or less reddish.

Pronotum slightly longer than broad (length:width ratio 1.08); lateral margin strongly sinuate, rarely subparallel; with relatively large punctures; color variable from greenishblue to blue or green; pubescence long, dark.

Elytral ground color orange to red, reduced to three spots or fasciae, therefore elytra mainly blue to blue­green or elytral ground color in the middle with a narrow, white to yellow­orange or brownish fascia (= ab. dregei Chevrolat, 1874) or basal part of orange ground color reduced to a semicircular spot (= ab. semiannulatus Corporaal, 1948) or basal part of elytral ground color crescent­shaped, with a small part at the utmost margin, in the middle with a more narrow, white to yellow­orange or brownish fascia (= ab. semilunatus Corporaal, 1948).

Elytra two and a half times as long as broad (length:width ratio 2.66), slightly constricted towards the middle; suture behind humeral spot slightly protruding; color beside suture glossy greenish, towards elytral margin glossy dark bluish. Punctures in regular rows, large, becoming weaker to obscured towards apex of elytra; diameter of punctures mostly larger than intervals, at base nearly equal in size as intervals; apex slightly bevelled; sutural angle mostly acute, sometimes with small tooth; pubescence dark, hairs shorter and more sparse than on head and pronotum.

Legs bluish; hind tibiae straight; with long, dark hairs (mostly at top), but also with short, white hairs.

Ventral surface dark bluish, green or combination of both; abdominal sternites with brown margin; thorax with dense, white pubescence; abdomen with more sparsely white pubescence.

Aedeagus, pygidium and male sternum VIII, see figs. 1–4.



































See fig. 5.

Collecting period

June to December.


Published as part of Gerstmeier, Roland & Huesmann, Andrea, 2004, Revision of the Afrotropical species of the genus Trichodes HERBST, 1792 (Coleoptera, Cleridae), pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 694 on pages 3-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.158590


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  • Klug, J. C. F. (1842) Versuch einer systematischen Bestimmung und Auseinandersetzung der Gattungen und Arten der Clerii, einer Insectenfamilie aus der Ordnung der Coleopteren. Abhandlungen der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften, 259 - 397.
  • Chevrolat, M. A. (1874) Catalogue des Clerides de la collection de M. A. Chevrolat. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, 252 - 329.
  • Corporaal, J. B. (1948) Notes on some African Beetles of the Genus Trichodes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History Series 11, 650 - 654.