Published December 31, 2005 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Notiothereva simulata Malloch


Notiothereva simulata (Malloch)

(Figs. 37–44).

simulata Malloch (1932:244 orig. desc.) (Thereva); Metz & Irwin (Metz et al. 2003:244 listing, comb. change, trans. orig. desc.) (Notiothereva). Type locality Argentina, Lago Nahuel Huapi, eastern end. The holotype male in BMNH.

Diagnosis. Like Notiothereva albiventris and N. aurea in having the frontal setae extending lateral to antennal base; parafacial with setae; and the gena lacking anterodorsal patch of short, dark setae. It differs from N. albiventris and N. aurea in lacking dorsocentral macrosetae; halter pale yellow; tibia dark brown, concolorous with femora; setae on frons and parafacial dark brown; and cell m 3 open narrowly.

Redescription of male.

Morphometric variation (n=5).

Body length 5.7–6.7, 6.0 mm.

Head. Length 0.82–1.04, 0.96 mm. Frons pruinescence whitish gray, dense; setae dark brown, elongate, present lateral to antennal base. Antenna dark brown, pruinescence white; antenna/head length 0.56–0.71, 0.60; scape length 0.14–0.18, 0.17 mm, width 0.10–0.12, 0.11 mm, length/width 1.4–1.6, 1.5, scape/pedicel length 1.8–2.3, 2.2, scape/ flagellum width 0.8–1.0, 0.9, setae dark reddish brown, short; pedicel length 0.08 mm, length/width 0.7–0.8, 0.7, setae dark reddish brown, short; flagellum length 0.30–0.36, 0.32 mm, width 0.10–0.14, 0.12 mm, length/width 2.5–3.6, 2.7, flagellum/scape length 1.7–2.6, 1.9. Parafacial pruinescence whitish gray, dense; setae dark brown, elongate. Maxillary palpus pale brown, pruinescence white; length 0.32–0.44, 0.37 mm, length/ width 5.3–7.3, 6.2; setae white, elongate. Genal setae white, elongate, lacking anterodorsal patch of short, dark setae. Occipital setae white, elongate, scattered dorsally; macrosetae dark brown, a few present at lateral end of postocular macrosetae.

Thorax. Macrosetae 2–3 np, 1 sa, 1 pa, 0 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum with vittae dull brown, pruinescence brownish gray, separated by line of gray pruinescence; setae dark brown, erect, elongate intermixed with appressed, dark yellow setae. Postpronotal lobe setae whitish yellow. Cervical sclerite lacking setae. Pleuron pruinescence gray, dense; setae white, elongate on propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, metanepisternum, and scutellum. Wing. Membrane opaque with small, dark brown spot at r­m, fork of R4+5, apical margin of cells bm, br, and dc; venation pale brown; length 4.7–5.3, 4.9 mm, length/width 2.8–3.1, 2.9; pterostigma brown; cell m 3 open narrowly. Halter knob yellow. Legs. Coxa pruinescence white, dense; setae white, elongate; apical macrosetae dark reddish brown. Femora dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; ventral setae white on fore­ and midfemora; dv 0:0:0, av 1–2:0–2:1–5, pv 0:0:1–7. Tibiae dark brown. Tarsi dark brown.

Abdomen. Cuticle dark reddish brown, pruinescence gray, dense, posterior margin of tergites 2–6 orange brown; dorsal and lateral setae white, elongate, appressed. Terminalia (MEI 102068). Dark brown. Tergite 8 (Fig. 37) setae dark yellow. Sternite 8 (Fig. 38) quadrate, anterior margin truncate, sides rounded; posterior margin emarginate medially; setae brown, absent medially on posterior margin. Epandrium (Fig. 37) setae dark brown, scattered on posterior third. Cercus (Fig. 37) ending above apex of hypoproct. Hypoproct (Fig. 37) posterior margin rounded, ending below apex of cercus. Gonocoxite (Figs. 38–39) quadrate, rounded laterally, median margin straight over basal half then tapering to broadly rounded posterior margin, setae dark reddish brown, macrosetae dark reddish brown, setae on inner gonocoxal process dark brown setae. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme (Fig. 40) anteromedial projection short, truncate; ventral apodeme (Fig. 41) narrow, elongate, tapered anteriorly, not extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus dorsal view (Fig. 40) broad basally, tapered posteriorly, basiphallus with median carina, lateral view (Fig. 42) broadly curved ventrally; ejaculatory apodeme (Fig. 40) anterior half slightly expanded, anterior margin rounded.

Redescription of female (n=1).

Body length 6.8 mm.

Head. Length 1.02 mm. Frons pruinescence gray, dense; setae dark brown, elongate. Antenna/head length 0.56–0.71, 0.60; scape length 0.19 mm, width 0.16 mm, length/width 1.2, scape/pedicel length 2.4, scape/flagellum width 1.0; pedicel length 0.08 mm, length/ width 0.5; flagellum length 0.32 mm, width 0.16 mm, length/width 2.0, flagellum/scape length 1.7. Maxillary palpus; length 0.32–0.44, 0.55 mm, length/width 6.7. Occipital setae white, elongate, whitish yellow, scattered dorsally; macrosetae dark brown, scattered.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 1 sa, 1 pa, 0 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum with vittae dull brown, pruinescence brownish gray, separated by line of gray pruinescence. Wing. Length 5.5 mm, length/width 3.1. Legs. Dorsoventral macrosetae 0:0:0, av 3:3:1, pv 0:0:2.

Abdomen. Cuticle dark brown, pruinescence gray, light. Terminalia (MEI 1650714). Furca (Fig. 43) quadrate, sides rounded; length 0.44 mm, width 0.34 mm; anterolateral projection short.

Immature stages. Unknown.

Distribution. Notiothereva simulata is known from Argentina (Fig. 44).

Habitats and Temporal Phenology. Notiothereva simulata has been hand­netted in November.

Specimens Examined. Type specimen. The holotype male of Thereva simulata Malloch is labelled "L. Nahuel Huapi, eastern end, 17.xi.1926 " (BMNH). Other specimens. ARGENTINA. RIO NEGRO. Bariloche [­41.15, ­71.3] –. XI.1926, Shannon, R., Shannon, E., 5 males MEI 102066 –8, 165077, 165082, 1 female 165074 (USNM); 3.7 km S Puerto Moreno, 800 m, 17.XI.1966, EIS, MEI, 4 males MEI 147397–8, 165082 (ME I), 165092 (INHS).


Published as part of Webb, Donald W., 2005, Revision of the Neotropical Stiletto Fly Genus Notiothereva Metz & Irwin (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae), pp. 1-32 in Zootaxa 1059 on pages 30-31, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.170152


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  • Malloch, J. R. 1932. Therevidae. Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile, 5 (3), 235 - 257.
  • Metz, M. A., Webb, D. W. & Irwin, M. E. (2003) A review of the genus Psilocephala Zetterstedt (Diptera: Therevidae) with the description of four new genera. Studia Dipterologica, 10 (1), 227 - 266.