Published December 31, 2005 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Spiriverpa argentata Matsumura


Spiriverpa argentata (Matsumura)

argentata Matsumura (1905:80 orig. desc.) (Psilocephala); Matsumura (1915:29 listing) (Thereva); Lyneborg (1989:24 cat.), Nagatomi and Lyneborg (1989:359 comb. change, redesc.) (Spiriverpa). Type locality Japan. Holotype male in Matsumura collection, Sapporo.

maruyamana Matsumura (1916:337, orig. desc.) (Thereva); Lyneborg (1989:24 cat.), Nagatomi and Lyneborg (1989:359 syn. desig.) (Spiriverpa). Type locality Japan, Sapporo. Holotype female in Matsumura collection, Sapporo.

sublunulata Zaitzev (1986:4 orig. desc., 7: Figs. 6– 9 male terminalia) (Spiriverba) [misspelling of Spiriverpa]. Type locality Zeya, Amur Oblast, Russian Federation. Holotype male in ZIN. New Synonymy.

Nagatomi and Lyneborg (1989:359) redescribed Spiriverpa argentata, with figures of the male antenna (Figs. 6, 7), female head (Fig. 8), female abdomen (Fig. 9), male wing (Fig. 10), and male terminalia (Figs. 11–19). Nagatomi examined the holotype male of Psilocephala argentata Matsumura and holotype female of Thereva maruyamana Matsumura and determined the two species to be conspecific. From a comparison of the redescription and figures of Spiriverpa argentata (Nagatomi and Lyneborg 1989:359), the description and figures of S. sublunulata Zaitzev (1986:4), a male and female of S. argentata from Kabutonoma and Shimamatsu, Japan determined by Nagatomi, and a male specimen of S. sublunulata Zaitzev collected from the type locality "Zeya" and a female from 4 km South of Artyom in the Russian Federation, it was determined that these two species were conspecific based on the male ommatidia being smaller ventrally and laterally; the wing cell m3 being closed and petiolate; the halter knob and femora being dark reddish brown; the male tergite 8 having setae across the posterior margin; the apical setae on inner gonocoxal process dark reddish brown; and the female spermathecal ducts originating from the common duct; and female abdomen being dark reddish brown, glossy with gray pruinescence over tergites 1 and 5–7, across posterior of tergites 2–4, with tergite 8 glossy.

Diagnosis. Like Spiriverpa albiceps and S. lunulata in having the male ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally; halter knob dark reddish brown; inner gonocoxal setae dark reddish brown; ventral apodeme extending to anterior margin of dorsal apodeme (Fig. 15); female common duct subequal or shorter than furca (as in Fig. 9); spermathecal ducts originating from the common duct (as in Fig. 9). Like S. lunulata in having the male epandrium dorsal view (Fig. 10) not constricted posteriorly, lateral view (Fig. 11) directed posteriorly; the male tergite 8 with setae across posterior margin (Fig. 10); and the inner gonocoxal process (Fig. 13) ending beyond posterior margin of gonocoxite. It differs from S. lunulata in having the wing cell m3 generally closed and petiolate; the posterior margin of the male epandrium yellow, glossy, glabrous (Fig. 10) and the female abdomen black, glossy with gray pruinescence over tergite 1, across posterior margin of tergites 2–4, and posterolaterally on tergites 5–8.

Redescription of male.

Morphometric variation (n=4).

Body Length 9.8–10.0, 10.0 mm

Head. Length 1.24–1.38, 1.31 mm. Ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons pruinescence white, gray along dorsal margin; setae white. Antenna dark brown, scape and pedicel pruinescence white, dense; antenna/head length 0.80–0.92, 0.84; scape length 0.40–0.44, 0.42 mm, length/width 2.5–2.8, 2.7, scape/pedicel length 3.0–3.7, 3.3, scape/ flagellum width 1.0–1.1, 1.0, setae on scape white, elongate; pedicel length 0.12–0.14, 0.13 mm, length/width 0.6; flagellum length 0.50–0.62, 0.56 mm, length/width 3.1–4.1, 3.7, flagellum/scape length 1.1–1.5, 1.3. Parafacial setae white. Maxillary palpus cuticle dark reddish brown, pruinescence white, dense; length 0.58–0.68, 0.63 mm, length/width 9.7–11.3, 10.5; setae white.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3–4 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum with whitish turquoise pruinescence, vittae dull brown separated by white pruinescence; setae white intermixed with black setae. Setae on postpronotal lobe white. Pleuron and scutellum pruinescence whitish gray; setae white. Wing. Length 8.0–9.8, 8.8 mm, length/width 3.2–4.3, 3.5; membrane hyaline, veins yellowish brown; pterostigma not evident; cell m3 closed at wing margin or with short petiolate. Halter dark reddish brown. Legs. Coxal setae white. Femora dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; ventral filiform setae white on fore– and midfemora with scattered black setae apically on forefemur; av 0:0:7, pv 0:0:10. Tibiae dark yellowish brown, dark reddish brown apically. Tarsomeres 1–2 dark yellowish brown, dark reddish brown apically, 3–5 dark reddish brown.

Abdomen. Pruinescence white, dense; dorsal and lateral setae white. Terminalia. Dark reddish brown pruinescence gray. Tergite 8 (Fig. 10), setae white, scattered across posterior margin. Sternite 8 (Fig. 12), posterior margin dark yellow, glabrous; posterolateral margin tapered to thick point; setae pale yellow. Epandrium dorsal view (Fig. 10), posterolateral margin projecting posteriorly as thick projection, posterior margin dark yellow, glabrous, lateral view (Fig. 11) quadrate, tapered posteriorly to blunt medial point. Gonocoxite ventral view (Fig. 12) broad basally, tapered posteriorly to broad truncate apex, setae pale brown intermixed with darker setae along medial margin; lateral view (Fig. 13) quadrate, posterior margin truncate, inner gonocoxal process yellowish brown, narrow, apex clavate with dark brown setae, ending beyond posterior margin of gonocoxite; ventral lobe (Fig. 12) with fine ventral setae. Gonostylus lacking basodorsal spines. Aedeagus with ventral apodeme (Fig. 15) broad, slightly clavate, anterior margin rounded, ending at anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus lateral view (Fig. 16) directed ventrally at 45° angle; ejaculatory apodeme (Fig. 14) in cross­section flattened dorsoventrally with small ventral carina.

Redescription of female.

Similar to male except as follows.

Morphometric variation (n=5).

Body length 9.3–12.2, 10.9 mm.

Head. Length 1.23–1.44, 1.37 mm. Frons pruinescence gray black, ventral half white; setae black dorsally in 2 broad medial bands and in narrow band along margin of eyes, white intermixed with black setae on area of white pruinescence, white setae extending lateral to antennal socket. Antenna/head length 0.81–0.88, 0.84; scape length 0.40–0.50, 0.45 mm, length/width 2.7–2.9, 2.8, scape/pedicel length 3.3–4.5, 3.8, scape/flagellum width 0.9–1.1, 1.0, setae on scape predominately white with dark brown setae dorsally; pedicel length 0.11–0.13, 0.12 mm, length/width 0.6–0.9, 0.8; flagellum length 0.5–0.7, 0.6 mm, length/width 3.3–3.9, 3.7, flagellum/scape length 1.2–1.4, 1.3. Parafacial setae white. Maxillary palpus length 0.54–0.72, 0.64 mm, length/width 7.8–10.7, 9.0.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 1–2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Vittae dark brownish black, separated by gray pruinescent stripe; setae black, erect intermixed with white subappressed setae laterally. Postpronotal lobe and scutellum with white and black setae. Wing. Length 8.2–9.8, 9.1 mm, length/width 3.3–3.5, 3.4; cell m3 closed at wing margin, occasionally open.

Abdomen. Black, glossy with gray pruinescence over tergite 1, across posterior margin of tergites 2–4, and posterolaterally on tergites 5–8; dorsal setae dark brown on dark reddish brown areas, tergite 1 with dorsal setae white laterally and across posterior margin (interrupted posteromedially), tergites 2–4 with dorsal setae white intermixed with scattered black setae on white pruinscence lateral areas, tergites 5–7 with dorsal setae black. Terminalia. Median lobe of tergite 9 dark brown, setae dark reddish brown. Furca (as in Fig. 9) ovate, length 0.52 mm, width 0.30 mm; common spermathecal duct subequal to length of furca; spermathecal ducts originate from common duct; spermatheca oval.

Biology. Spiriverpa argentata has been collected from 20 June to 11 September.

Distribution. Spiriverpa argentata ranges from Japan to eastern Russia (Fig. 34).

Specimens Examined. JAPAN. MOYEN. Env. de Tokio, et alpes de Nikko, J. Harmand, 1901, 1 male MEI 118179 (MNHN). RUSSIAN FEDERATION. PRIMORSKIY KRAY. Muravjov­amurskii Penninsula, 4 km S Artyom, at tributary of Klyuch River [43.254, 132.181], 25.VIII.2002, Holston, K. C., 4 females MEI 147356­8, 147360 (INHS); Lukjanovka, lower Sukhodol River [43.179, 132.714], 29.VIII.2002, Holston, K. C., 1 male MEI 147359 (INHS). Specimens in Literature: Nagatomi and Lyneborg (1989:364) listed specimens of Spiriverpa argentata from JAPAN. Hokkaido: Tobachidake, Matsukari, Sôunkyô, Kabutonuma, Eniwa, Ashoro, Shimamatsu, Mt. Eniwa, Jôzankei. Honshu: Narai, Karenuma, Nikko. Zaitzev (1986:6) listed Spiriverpa [Spiriverba] sublunulata from RUSSIAN FEDERATION. AMUR OBLAST. Zeya [Zeja]. PRI­ MORSKIY KRAY. Kiyevka.


Published as part of Webb, Donald W., 2005, A revision of the Holarctic genus Spiriverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae), pp. 1-56 in Zootaxa 816 on pages 17-20, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.170604


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  • Matsumura, S. (1905) Thousand Insects of Japan. [Nihon Senchu Zukai]. Vol. II. Hemiptera, Diptera. Tokyo: Keiseisha. 1 - 163 pp.
  • Matsumura, S. (1915) Kontyu-bunruigaku [Konchu bunrui-gaku] [Konchau bunrui-gaoku]. Vo l. 2. Keiseisha shoten, Tokyo, 316 pp.
  • Nagatomi, A. & Lyneborg, L. (1989) The Therevidae (Diptera) of Japan. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 57 (2), 347 - 373.
  • Matsumura, S. (1916) Thousand Insects of Japan. [Nihon Senchu Zukai]. Additamenta I.: Keiseisha, Tokyo, 185 - 474 pp.
  • Zaitzev, V. F. (1986) On the fauna Therevidae (Diptera) of the Far East. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Leningrad, 146, 3 - 9.