Published December 31, 2006 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Amblydromalus ntandu Pritchard & Baker


Amblydromalus ntandu (Pritchard & Baker) (Fig. 4)

Amblyseius (Amblyseius) ntandu Pritchard & Baker, 1962: 286 Typhlodromalus ntandu, Moraes et al. 2004: 201

Amblydromalus ntandu, Chant & McMurtry, 2005a: 207

FEMALE — (Species measured — Cameroon: 3; Democratic Republic of Congo: paratype)

Dorsum — Dorsal shield mostly smooth, with few striae along anterolateral margins, 322(309–333) [287] long and 217(208–222) [236] wide. Setae j1 26(24–29) [22], j3 22(14–27) [16], j4 9(8–10) [11], j5 10 [11], j6 12(10–14) [13], J2 12(11–13) [13], J5 5(5– 6) [6], z2 14(13–14) [11], z4 17(14–18) [14], z5 10 [11], Z1 12(11–13) [12], Z4 12(11–13) [14], Z5 75(70–83) [78], s4 37 (32–40) [25], S2 16 [18], S4 31 (21–40) [36], S5 10 (8–13) [13], r3 14 [14], R1 10(10–11) [11]. All setae smooth.

Peritreme — Extending almost to j1.

Venter — Distances between St1–St3 58(58–59) [52], St2–St2 69(69–70) [63], St5– St5 64(61–67) [61]. Ventrianal shield with indistinct anterior margin, 102(99–104) [92] long, 50(48–54) [47] wide at level of Zv2 and 59(56–64) [63] wide at level of anus, with a pair of elliptical pores posterior and slightly mesad of Jv2. One pair of metapodal shields; caudoventral setae smooth and sharp­tipped.

Chelicera — Movable digit 25 long, with 4 teeth; fixed digit 24 long, with 10 teeth and a distinguishable pilus dentilis.

Spermatheca — Calyx tubular, with slight median constriction, 15(14–16) long; atrium distinct.

Legs — Macrosetae sharp­tipped, except Sge IV, which has a tiny knob; Sge I 27 [14], Sge II 29 (26–32) [22], Sge III 33 (30–34) [29], Sti III 26 (24–27) [20], Sge IV 49 (46–51) [41], Sti IV 34 (32 –37) [24], St IV 42 (38–48) [34]. Chaetotaxy of genu III: 1–2/1,2/0­1.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Cameroon: 27 km SW Nkolemakong, on Elaeis guineensis, 06­II­ 1991, A. Onzo; 52 km N Kribi, on E. guineensis, 08­II­ 1991, L. Louis; 105 km N. Kribi, on E. guineensis, 08­II­ 1991, L. Louis. Democratic Republic of Congo (Belgian Congo): Paratype female from Stanleyville, on Bixa leaf, 18­IV­1955, E.W. Baker.

WORLD DISTRIBUTION — Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo.


Published as part of De Moraes, G. J., Zannou, I. D., Oliveira, A. R., Yaninek, J. S. & Hanna, R., 2006, Phytoseiid mites of the subtribes Typhlodromalina and Euseiina (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Euseiini) from sub­Saharan Africa, pp. 1-52 in Zootaxa 1114 on pages 8-9, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.171564


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Pritchard & Baker
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  • Pritchard, A. E. & Baker, E. W. (1962) Mites of the family Phytoseiidae from Central Africa, with remarks on genera of the world. Hilgardia, USA, 33, 205 - 309.
  • Moraes, G. J. de, McMurtry, J. A., Denmark, H. A., Campos, C. B. (2004) A revised catatalog of the mite family Phytoseiidae. Zootaxa, New Zealand, 434, 1 - 494.
  • Chant, D. A. & McMurtry A. J. (2005 a) A review of the subfamily Amblyseiinae Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae): Part VI. The tribe Euseiini n. tribe, subtribes Typhlodromalina n. subtribe, Euseiina n. subtribe, and Ricoseiina n. subtribe. International Journal of Acarology, USA, 31: 187 - 224.