Published December 31, 2006 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Parabrunetia celinea Zhang, Fleck, Huang, Nel, Ren, Cheng & Lin, 2006, n. sp.


Parabrunetia celinea n. sp. Huang, Fleck, Nel & Lin

(Figs 7–9)

Diagnosis. As for the genus.

Description. A body with the two hind legs, a nearly complete fore wing and a hind wing, with few small zones missing toward apices and bases, the four basal abdominal segments, and bases of the other wings being only partly preserved.

Thorax ca. 19 mm long, 14.1 mm high, strongly hairy; meso-metathoracic suture complete.

Hind legs very long and robust; femur 14.9 mm long, 2.2 mm wide, with hair-like setae on basal outer part (unique character); hind tibia 16.2 mm long, 0.8 mm wide, hind tarsi 6.4 mm long, 0.7 mm wide, with longitudinal rows of brawny spines, strong claws with a small preapical hook (see fig. 9); hook bearing a ridge and with a large oblique base.

Fore wing rather infuscate; wing ca. 82 mm long, 12.6 mm wide at nodus level (widest section 13 mm); distance between base and arculus, 11.8 mm, between arculus and nodus, ca. 28 mm, between nodus and pterostigma, 22.6 mm, between pterostigma and apex, ca. 15 mm; anal area ca. 15 mm long and 3.3 mm wide, elongate, with 2 rows of large irregular cells between AA and AP; AA distally strongly bent towards posterior wing margin and nearly parallel with CuA, distally reaching CuAb; median area free of crossvein; submedian area with two cross-veins and a curved vein CuP separating submedian and subdiscoidal areas; subdiscoidal space free, narrow, 3.4 mm long and 0.7 mm wide; discoidal cell basally opened, elongate, circa 9 mm long and 1.1 mm wide, free of crossvein; RP + MA separated at nearly right angle from RA, strongly curved; RP separated from MA 0.4 mm distally; just distal of arculus, MA basally very strong, MA divided into MAa and MAb 0.4 mm distally; MAb short, 1.3 mm long, well aligned with distal free part of CuA; free part of CuA very strong, separating from MP 12.5 mm from wing base and directed towards posterior wing margin for 2.6 mm; CuA distally divided into CuAa and CuAb, CuAb rather short, directed towards wing base, meeting main branch of AA and posteriorly closing subdiscoidal space; CuAa basally more or less parallel to posterior wing margin, with one row of cells between them, and distally straight; postdiscoidal area 2.5 mm wide just distal of discoidal cell; area between CuAa and MP basally 2.6 mm wide, with 1–2 rows of large cells; distal of end of CuAa, about 7–8 rows of cells in area between MP and posterior wing margin; MP nearly straight but with a curve close to its apex, reaching posterior margin well distal of nodus level, at about 60% of total wing length; MAa nearly straight; one row of cells in postdiscoidal area in main part, but with 4–5 rows of cells near posterior wing margin, this area being distinctly widened near posterior wing margin; Ax0 visible very near wing base; two very strong primary antenodal cross-veins, Ax1 nearly perpendicular to ScP and R + MA but Ax2 oblique; no secondary antenodal cross-vein of first row between C and ScP but 13 antenodal crossveins of second row between ScP and RA distal of Ax2 and one between Ax1 and Ax2; 18 cross-veins in area between RA and RP, between arculus and nodus; six cross-veins between RP and MAa, basal of midfork; base of RP3/4 12.3 mm distal of arculus, closer to arculus than to nodus; base of IR2 one cell distal to that of RP3/4, 1.7 mm distally; IR2 apparently emerging from RP3/4; nodal Cr and subnodus aligned but not very oblique; 12 postnodal cross-veins not corresponding to the 14 postsubnodal cross-veins; no pterostigmal brace; three cross-veins below pterostigma; pterostigma sclerotized, long and narrow, 5.4 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, basally recessed but after midway between nodus and apex; vein C strongly widened along pterostigma; area between C and RA distal of pterostigma long, with 17 cross-veins; RP2 aligned with subnodus; oblique cross-veins ‘O’ not prserved; RP2 nearly straight; base of IR1 circa five cells distal of base of RP2; IR1 basally slightly zigzagged but distally nearly straight, more or less parallel to RP1; area between MA and RP3/4 widened distally with 15 rows of cells along posterior wing margin; area between RP3/4 and IR2 only narrowed at wing margin, but with 2–3 rows of cells between them; area between IR2 and RP2 with six rows of cells between them along posterior wing margin; area between RP2 and IR1 progressively widened, with two strong intercalary longitudinal veins and 14 rows of cells along posterior wing margin; one row of cells between RP1 and RA distal of pterostigma.

Hind wing rather infuscate; distinctly shorter than fore wing, 71 mm long, with a small part lost at apex, 13.0 mm wide (at nodus level); distance between base and arculus, 11.5 mm, between arculus and nodus, 23.7 mm, between nodus and pterostigma, 19.8 mm, between pterostigma and apex, 12.2 mm (preserved section); anal area broad, 14 mm long and ca. 7 mm wide; very numerous small and irregular cells between AA and AP, some being very small and others large; anal angle and membranule not preserved if present; main branch of AA distally strongly bent towards posterior wing margin and nearly parallel with MP + CuA and distally with CuA, probably distally reaching CuAb; median area free of cross-veins; submedian area not preserved; subdiscoidal space transverse, at least crossed by two cross-veins; discoidal cell basally closed, 2.3 mm long and 2 mm wide, free of cross-vein, length of proximal side, 3.3 mm, of distal side, 2.7 mm; RP + MA separated at right angle from RA, strongly curved; RP separated from MA just distal of arculus; MA basally very strong, divided into MAa and MAb 2.7 mm distally; MAb short, 2 mm long, well aligned with distal free part of CuA; CuA separating from MP and directed towards posterior wing margin; CuAa basally more or less parallel to posterior wing margin with two rows of cells between them; CuAa distally strongly curved, short, ending on posterior margin; area between CuAa and MP with 2–4 rows of large cells, about 4 mm wide; distal of end of CuAa, 10–11 rows of cells in area between MP and posterior wing margin; MP nearly straight, reaching posterior margin well distal of nodus level, at 67% of total wing length; MAa nearly straight, parallel with MP, with one row of cells in postdiscoidal area, except for five rows near posterior wing margin; two very strong primary antenodal cross-veins, Ax1 1.3 mm basal of arculus and Ax2 4.3 mm distal of arculus; Ax2 oblique; Ax1 perpendicular to ScP; no secondary antenodal cross-vein of first row between C and ScP; only three preserved secondary antenodal cross-veins of second row between ScP and RA, distal of Ax2; 15 cross-veins in area between RA and RP, between arculus and nodus; base of RP3/4 8.6 mm distal of arculus, closer to arculus than to nodus; base of IR2 close to that of RP3/4; nine postnodal cross-veins of first row between C and RA, not aligned with 13 preserved postnodal cross-veins of second row between RA and RP1, not aligned with those of first row; no pterostigmal brace; two cross-veins in distal part below pterostigma; pterostigma sclerotized, 7.5 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, long and very narrow, longer than that of fore wing, basally recessed; vein C strongly widened along pterostigma; area between C and RA distal of pterostigma long, with about 14 cross-veins; RP2 aligned with subnodus; 13 cross-veins in Bqr space between RP, RP2, IR2 and oblique cross-vein ‘O’; first basal oblique vein ‘O’ not visible but another one 11 cells distal of base of RP2; RP2 nearly straight; base of IR1 six cells distal of base of RP2; IR1 basally zigzagged but distally regularly curved, more or less parallel to RP1; area between MA and RP3/4 strongly widened distally with 15 rows of cells along posterior wing margin; area between RP3/4 and IR2 with basally one row of cells but distally broadened, with 2–3 rows of cells; area between IR2 and RP2 with one row of cells and distally with eight rows of cells near posterior wing margin; area between RP2 and IR1 progressively widened, with 2–3 zigzagged intercalary longitudinal veins and about 12 rows of cells between them; area between IR1 and RP1 not distally widened, with 5–6 rows of cells between them and one or two weak longitudinal intercalary veins.

Holotype. Specimen coll. NIGPAS 133713, deposited in the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Type locality. Daohugou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, NE China.

Type strata. Middle Jurassic, Jiulongshan Formation.

Etymology. After the daughter Céline of one of us (A.N.).

Since recently, the isophlebioid lineage was nearly unknown in the Chinese Mesozoic, but the present discoveries demonstrate the high diversity of the group in these strata and country. Furthermore, the close relationships between these Chinese taxa and those from the Middle Jurassic of Kirgizia support a similar age for the Daohugou fauna of the Inner Mongolia.


Published as part of Zhang, Bing-Lan, Fleck, Gunther, Huang, Di-Ying, Nel, André, Ren, Dong, Cheng, Xiao-Dong & Lin, Qi-Bin, 2006, New isophlebioid dragonflies (Odonata: Isophlebioptera: Campterophlebiidae) from the Middle Jurassic of China, pp. 51-68 in Zootaxa 1339 on pages 63-67, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.174364


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Collection code
Material sample ID
NIGPAS 133713
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Parabrunetia celinea Zhang, Fleck, Huang, Nel, Ren, Cheng & Lin, 2006